2x21 Funeral - Jean

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"We sorted Jean's stuff in two piles," Kurt started, standing beside Finn and Julia as they went through Jean's old stuff, Sue sitting on the bed.

"Old magazines and newspapers over there which you can just toss," Finn said.

"And stuff you're definitely going to want to keep; photos, stuffed animals," Julia added, placing a stuffed rabbit in the growing pile of things.  "And this third pile is stuff we don't really know what to do with."

"Uh, pom-pom?" Kurt picked a up a pom-pom from the undecided third pile.

"Toss it, it's not worth anything," Sue looked back down at the notepad she was reading off of.

"Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?" Finn questioned.

"I used to watch that movie all the time," Julia slightly smiled, the two other boys doing the same.

"Take it.  She's watched it at least three times a week," Sue bluntly responded, the three teenagers' faces falling.  "Just toss it all out," Sue stood up from the bed, looking around at the things piled throughout the room.

"What?" Kurt asked.

"You heard me, it's all junk.  I'll take this stuffed animal, Jean's had this since she was six," Sue picked up a stuffed elephant.  "Everything else, just toss it out, I don't need it," Sue said, no emotion evident in her voice.

"Coach, but there are so many memories here," Julia told the grieving woman.

"I'm not short on memories of my sister, so," Sue promptly responded, Julia raising her hands up in the air in surrender.  "Sorry," Sue replied, still having a soft spot for the freckled Latina.

"I know what it's like to lose someone.  When someone dies, it hurts," Kurt said as Julia rolled her eyes at the boy and his considerably stupid and obvious comment.

"Very astute, Porcelain.  That's a little nugget of wisdom I'd really like to jot down," Sue sarcastically remarked, Julia sighing and sitting down on the bed, her mind taking her to other places during the somber moment.

She zoned out for a bit, simply thinking about what a life would've been like with another younger sibling.  As much as she didn't understand then, she understood now, and it hurt.  Her mind also wandered off into thinking how she would feel if Isla had died.

Utterly crushed.  Julia would be devastated and suddenly she understood more of her former cheer coach's sorrow.

"Why did you agree to this then?" Kurt's question pulled Julia out of her swarming thoughts.  "I-If you hate us so much, then why are you letting the glee club plan the service?"

"I was afraid no one would come," Sue said, straight forward just like her personality.  "Jean didn't know a lot of people.  I figured with the glee club there, she'd at least have a full house."

Sue left the room just after, leaving the three teens to simply stare at each other. 

Julia whipped her phone out of her pocket and pressed the first number on her speed dial.  She placed her phone to her ear, the girl on the other line picking up just a few seconds later, per usual.

Every time she saw Julia's name pop up as the caller ID, she lunged for her phone.


"Hey, babe," Julia smiled at the sound of Santana's voice.  "Can you pick me up?"

"Of course, I'll be there in five."

"Thanks, love you."

"Love you too, bye,"  Julia hung up, letting out a sigh with a small smile.

Freckles ➳ Santana Lopez (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now