Did They Get To Act Out Their Fantasy?

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Did They Get To Act Out Their Fantasy?


- No

- But trust me, he's tried

- Inconvenient phone calls

- Everyone's in Phoenix's business

- Especially Maya


- Yes

- He's done it multiple times

- 50% of the time Gumshoe came in

- To throw Gumshoe off, he legitimately once said 'Detective, one more word and I might have a stroke...urk!'

- Gumshoe panicked, thinking he actually was having a stroke.

- But that 'urk!' was something else...


- Yes

- At this point it's become a norm

- During recesses, you two are in an empty courtroom 'destressing'

- Apollo is still louder than you

- Trucy almost walked in on you two

- Once, Apollo decided to change the position and you fell off the bench

- The moment was ruined and you two just awkwardly re-dressed before heading back to the lobby


- Yes

- He is a freak for this stuff

- He put the microphone part of the headset near your mouth just to see how quiet you could be

- He has also been the cause of many accidents for the both of you.

- He leaned too far back in the chair and it fell, causing you to fracture your wrist.

- You're like the couples on those crazy ER shows


- Yes, to a degree

- You agree to the blindfold and rope

- He has a big Master/Sir/Boss kink

- A new office chair gets bought every other week

- He still wants to try the atroquinine


- 100% yes

- Except it was in the bathroom hall

- He now has to buy you a new collar

- And a bra

- He leaves so many hickies it looks like you got punched in the throat

- Sore for days


- Definitely

- New found ice kink

- Likes to switch between ice and wax

- Ties you into new poses

- Will lick the water trails

- Practically worships you

A/N: Ok, is it just me or do some of you think oral in lemons or smut is a bit unsanitary? I mean, I get that people have their wants and needs and stuff for lemons, but it just makes me feel like 'No, don't put your mouth there!' I'm not judging, really. I've wrote it in my lemons because of other lemons I've read...

I'm rambling now...

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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