Cheating Prank Pt. 2 😈

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Most of these are just his revenge at your cheating prank.

Thanks to whoever requested this! (can't remember if wanted to remain anonymous or not😅)

Let's see if you can guess which character I wrote for while drinking and which I wrote sober!😄

Izuku Midoriya

"Hey Cinnabon-" you walked into his dorm after finally finishing all your classes for the day.

You wanted to spend the evening studying with your boyfriend but all thoughts quickly turned violent once you saw him sitting on his bed with Uraraka.

"...boy..." you glared at him, ready to set that whole room on fire.

"I-I cant do this, Y/n I'm sorry!" He caved immediately.

"They said it would be fun!" He sniffled and clung to you like a needy toddler, "But this isn't fun at all!"

"Aw damn it Midoriya!" cried kaminari walking out of the closet and leaving the room.

"We were finally gonna see her get mad!" whined Mina following after him with a camera.

Normally you would beat the breaks off of any girl who tried to flirt with or corrupt your Cinnabon, but you couldn't help but feel bad that he was crying so much.

"Aw it's ok Cinnabon..." you comforted soothingly and he leaned in to your nurturing nature. However your aura changed like the snap of a finger once you saw Uraraka blushing in his direction.

"But if you ever try that shit again I will fuck kacchan, tape it and make you watch it..." as you held him tightly, your nails dug into him slightly. Not enough to hurt but right enough to know he couldn't run if he wanted to.

"N-Noted..." He cowered fearfully.

Katsuki Bakugo

"Hey babe can I borrow your earphones, one of my brothers stole mine and I-" you froze once you saw what was going on.

He and Kirishima were on the bed, Bakuo on top, pinning the red head underneath him.

"Oi, you mind?" grimbled Bakugo, "get out."

Any rational girl who just caught her boyfriend in bed with another person would stab them, knock their lights out, burn the house down, order a hit, sleep with their mother/father and become their step-parent, turn them into swiss cheese, or even just leave, oh but not you.

Oh no, you just stood there. A disappointed look graced your face but it wasn't directed at your boyfriend.

"Dude...really?" you looked to Kirishima in concern, "you chose Bakugo? You know damn well you could have done better." you shook your head in disappointment.

"Oh screw you man hands!" Bakugo blushed and stoop up. "I can have anyone I want!"

"Yeah...if they blind and deaf..." you snickered.

"What did you say!?"

"I said You lost your mind if you think you could ever do better than me!" you exploded, getting annoyed with his arrogance.
"I wish you would fuck up! I'd be on Mina's ass so fast after we bury your body!" You threatened.

"I hope the guck you do, cause sleeping with her will be the last thing you ever do!" He threatened right back.

*mini bonus*

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