Memory Loss *Everything Got Deleted! DX*

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They got deleted...all the scenarios I was writing...all of them...gone....*Breathes in*...WELP, here's what I put together real quick before I completely break down and go cry in my room! :D

PSA: Some of them act slightly out of character. 

Izuku Midoriya

*Reason for memory loss: Got knocked too hard while training with Mirio.*

He just kept staring at you, like, all the time. He wasn't even secretive about it, you'd always catch him just staring at you in a  sort of dazed state with a confused look on his face. Though as soon as you would catch him looking, he'd just quickly look away and blush.  

Eventually, you couldn't ignore it anymore and asked him, "You got something on your mind Cinnabon?"

"Umm-N-No!" He strutted while hiding his face, his mother walked in at that time too. 

"Haha, he's just embarrassed because he doesn't remember you and he thinks your really pretty."

"wha-mom!?" He cried. 

"What" It's true." She chuckled while bringing i  his food. "Oh you should have seen him yesterday Y/n, after you left he grabbed em and whispered, hey mom, is that an angel?"

"MOM!" He blushed even brighter. 

"I'm sorry honey but the face you pulled when i told you she was your girlfriend was simply too adorable!" She gushed. 

"Mom please!" He begged and you couldn't help but let out a few giggles causing him to hide himself under his covers. 

"Oh don't worry Cinnabon, you don't have to be embarrassed." You said trying to gently uncover his face. 

"No, don't look at me!" He cried. 

He couldn't face you for a while, even after he got his memories back. 

Katsuki Bakugo

*Reason for memory loss: B/1 knocked him out*

PSA: I wrote this at 3am, high on theraflu, so, slight warning this gets weird. 

"The fuck did you do!?" You panicked rushing to Bakugo's side after seeing he wasn't getting back up after your oldest brother just stood there, emotionless as usual. 

"In my defense, he instigated the fight..."

"He always instigates fights!" You defended, "Starting shit is literally in his DNA you idiot!" 

"Serves him right for trying to start a fight with a Colonel." Chuckled B/3. 

"Shut up and help him!" You cried trying to pick him up. 

"Ew no." Laughed B/4. 

"B-But he's really hurt!" You panicked a bit after feeling the faintest of pulses. Tears nearly fell from your eyes as you glared up at B/1, "I'll never forgive you for this big brother!" 

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