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Lmao, Some day I'll get my shit together 😅 not today....but definitely some day😭

Izuku Midoriya
"Hey Y/n!" He ran after you after seeing you in the cafeteria.

"Oh, hey Cinnabon, What are you doing here?" You smiled while sitting with some of your friends, "your lunch isn't until next period,"

"Yeah, Mr. Aizawa let have a little break so he could take a nap." He laughed nervously and blushed, "and I kinda wanted to see you..."

"Aw you're so sweet!" You gushed.

"A-And I also brought you these..." he handed you a Tupperware of some cinnamon rolls.

"Oh my Gosh!" You squealed, "Cinnabon, you made me Cinnabons!?"

"I-I'm not the best at cooking or baking like you but I really wanted to make you something as appreciation..." his blush brightened, "

It was lumpy and a bit hard and slightly burnt, "Aw, they're so good!" You gushed while munching on one of them. It was drowned in icing but you loved it because your boyfriend made it just for you.

"R-really!?" He smiled in shock. "Y-your not just saying that?"

"Of course baby! These are so good, especially for your first time!" You praised.

"The hell are you doing here need, we gotta get back to class!" Called Bakugo from across the room. Him and Iida had come to get your boyfriend to bring him back to class.

"I-oh right!" He nodded, " I guess I gotta head back, I-I'll see you later Y/n!" He smiled.

"Ok, see you after school Cinna-" you froze once he kissed your cheek then quickly left.

"EEE!" You were a squealing blushing mess after that and couldn't focus the rest of the day because of Midoriya's affections towards you...and because he was sending you sweet texts while you were in class so you barely remembered anything that happened in school that day other than your precious Cinnabon.

Katsuki Bakugo
Neither you nor Mitsuki wanted to cook for your respective families that night so you both decided that both of your families would go out to eat at a fancy restaurant.

Things went relatively well since this was the first time your brothers met your boyfriends parents. Surprisingly your older brother and Bakugo's mother got along really well together.

"This sucks!" The only person who didn't seem to be enjoying themselves was Bakugo.

"Quit slouching you idiot!" His mother smacked him while he ate. "If you embarrass me in front of Y/n's family I'll kick your ass!"

"I very much enjoy your parenting skills Mrs. Bakugo." Smiled B/1 enjoying every minute of Bakugo's tour meant.

"Oh why thank you B/1 your such a gentleman!" Smiled Mitsuki.
"I wish Katsuki could have just a fraction of your manners..."

"Are you kidding, I don't wanna be like that damn dork!"

"Katsuki behave!" She hit him again.

"Please calm down you two, this is one of the only restaurants in town that actually accepted our reservation." Warned Bakugo's father.

"Shut it you weakling!" Bakugo retorted.

"Dude just relax," you sighed, "this is supposed to be a calm night out."

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