You Get Flustered

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You Get Flustered

Izuku Midoriya

"Wow she really can't hear anything what a dork!" Joked a student as you continued walking through the halls ignoring the hurtful remarks.

Your quirk was super hearing, you hear thing from miles away, you could even hear things before they happened, but your ears were very sensitive as well so you always had to wear earmuffs.

"Hey, watch this," One snickered to his friends running past you snatching off your earmuffs in the process

You turned to confront him but suddenly winced in pain hiding your ears.

"Haha, look at her!" he laughed as you crouched down, though the halls were fairly empty, not many people weren't even talking that loudly, that was not your major concern, it was the loud impending ringing that was coming in a few seconds.

You tried desperately reaching for your earmuffs for the impending loud bell but he held it higher as his friends laughed with him.

"Getup you faker, we all know your quirk less!" another shouted. As he said that the fire alarm sounded starting the group of students who made fun of her. It was a fire drill so they all left, leaving her to deal with the loud siren.

"Huh? y/n?!" asked Midoriya as him and his friends were rushing to an emergency exit. He noticed you curled up on the Floor clutching your ears with tears in your eyes. Quickly noticing you didn't have your ear muffs on, he rushed to your side.

Thinking quickly after not seeing your ear muffs he searched his bag and pulled out a pair of ear plugs. You opened your eyes once everything became silent.

"M-Midoriya?" You finally noticed his presence after your ears stopped ringing.

"H-hey, are you alright?" He smiled seeing your calmed state.

"Yes, thank you, why do you have these?" You asked why he carried earplugs with him.

"Uh, well, I actually bought these for your birthday...they're smaller and easier to carry around I thought you might like them." He shrugged goofily.

" birthday isn't for another 3 months." He tensed and shook nervously trying to come up with another excuse.

"I just wanted to make s-sure you were alright, anything can happen right?" he rambled. You smiled softly holding onto the headphones as you cheeks reddened, "Thank you Midoriya."

"N-no problem...Let's go..." He smiled holding out his hand to help you up.

You gave a small smile and blushed as he helped you up and left.

Katsuki Bakugou

"Wow, y/n you seem really relaxed today."

It was a normal afternoon when you and your friends were walking to lunch.

"It's because it's been 3 full days of that Bakugou kid, he seem s to always set her off" your other friend joked causing them to laugh but you didn't mind; they were right after all.

The aggressive boy had been sort of a lighter to your match setting you off without hitch every time you locked eyes but he had been off your radar for a while now so you seemed a bit tamer today.

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