He Gets...Excited

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I really wanted to go a bit farther in these but my demographic is too young XD

Izuku Midoriya

You two went out for ice cream after school. 

"So how high can you jump with that quirk of yours?" You asked as the two of you walked through the park. 

"I think about 9 meters now." 

"Oh, wow that so cool!" You praised.

"It's not all that great, what about you, how far can you hear?"

"Dure to my costumes new upgrade, I can listen to up to 2.5 miles now." You smiled and Izuku copied it.

"I'm so happy for you, oh, hey your ice cream's melting a little." He warned.

"Oh, thanks." Some of it ran down your hand so you licked it which started something in  Midoriya. He watched as you slowly licked the melted ice cream up your arm.  

"That was close, thanks Mydori...ya?" You asked as he was nowhere in sight, only a dot in the distance as he shouted. 

"I gotta go home, got a call from my mom, see you at school!"

(Pretty short I know! >_<)

Katsuki Bakugou

"I can't believe that dumbass left his homework." You grumbled to yourself walking to Bakugou's house alone since he left early without telling you. 

You weren't paying attention to the weather and only noticed the rain when lightning struck. 

"Damn it!" You cursed running to his house. 

"The hell are you doing here man hands?" Glared Bakugou opening the door only to see you. 

"Oh, you know I was just going on a stroll in a storm around the neighborhood." You said sarcastically while soaking wet. "Wanted to drop by and say hi."

"You dumbass, didn't you see the weather forecast!?" He asked in annoyance. 

"Bitch I'm cold and wet!" You growled, "Are you going to let me in or not!?" You blushed seeing your bra through your uniform. 

"Whatever." He growled opening the door wider for you to get in. 

"Took you long enough." You sniffled walking in.

"I will throw your ass back outside if you keep that up!"

"Katsuki who's at the-" His, mother come in through the kitchen and gasped in shock. "Oh my goodness, Y/n!" She rushed over to you while pushing her son out of the way. 

"Hi Mrs. Bakugou, it's nice seeing you again." You smiled, it had been a while since you met Bakugou's parents, the last time you met was when you pretended to be his tutor, your not even sure she knows your his girlfriend.  

"Your all wet! what were you doing out in the storm!?" She asked in fear that you might have caught a cold.  

"Katsuki run a bath now!" She shouted.

"Don't tell me what to do hag! it was her dumbass that wanted to go out in the rain in the first place!" He was met with a slap as his mother ordered him once again to run you a bath.

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