Break Up Prank

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Prompt: "Babe...I think we should break up"

Izuku Midoriya

"B-But W-Why!?" He cried.

"I-uh...well..." you thought this prank was going to be funny, but after seeing your boyfriend burst into tears, you weren't so sure anymore.

"Is it cause I'm not strong enough!?" He sniffled.

"You...I ...C-Cinnabon-"

"I can get stronger!" He promised, "I'll train even harder, I can ask All Might to give me more lessons! I swear I'll do better just don't leave me!" He cried and fell to his knees.

"Midoriya please calm down!" You begged frantically

"*gasp* I thought I was your Cinnabon!?" He cried even harder, "am I unworthy of the pet name!?"

"Wha-of course not baby!" You started to cry. "I didn't mean it Cinnabon it was just a prank!-whoa!" You were swept away by the current that formed by his mass amount of tears.

"Don't leave me y/n I love you!" He cried while flooding the classroom.

"Damn it Deku!" Growled Bakugo being swept away along with the rest of the class, "Cork him already, earmuffs!"

"Waaaa! I'm sorry!" You cried in apology as you were all fighting against your boyfriend's tears.

-sometime later-

"So do you understand now Cinnabon?" You asked apologetically.

It took a while but he eventually calmed down (after Bakugo knocked him out) so you could finally explain that you were only joking.

"Uhuh, sorry I over reacted." He laughed nervously.

"It's ok Cinnabon, sorry I put you through that, I didn't realize you cared about me that much..." you gushed.

"Huh!? I-Of course I do!" He blushed, " first ever girlfriend...a-and I really treasure you..." he looked away from you.

"Aw Cinnabon!" You squealed and showered his face in kisses, causing him to pass out in his hospital bed.

Katsuki Bakugo

Hmmm, how would the violently explosive boy with absolutely no self control react to his first love leaving him?


He would not take too kindly to it.

"Well tough shit..." Suppressing your laughter as best you could, you continued to put on your sad face throughout the video call, "I'm sorry you had to hear this through call Bakugo, but I'm leaving you...I've...met someone else..."

"WHO IS IT!? I'LL KILL EM!" He threatened.

"None of your business dork! We aren't together anymore!"

"Like hell we are!" He was seething.

"Hey y/n what do you think sleeves or no sleeves?" Asked Kirishima holding up two shirts.

"IS THAT ROCK HEAD!?" Screamed Bakugo.

"I'd that Bakugo?" Asked the redhead innocently, "Hey dude what's up?"

"You traitorous bastard! I'll kill you!" He threatened with 100% seriousness but since he threatens people 24/7 Kirishima didn't really pay it any mind.

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