Tik Tok Pt. 2

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A/N: Please read my "AUTHOR'S NOTE" update if you haven't already done so 🙏

If you did that then please enjoy this update!

Izuku Midoriya
*By the Sea*

The two of you were just relaxing in the common area in the UA dorms. It was late at night and you were preparing for a movie night by making some snacking in the kitchen. You had already prepared the food and you were now just stirring at the counter while watching your boyfriend chop up some vegetables.

He looked so adaptable trying to cut the vegetables without hurting himself so he was being very careful by going increasingly slow. This bored you so had a cute little idea to occupy yourself.

You took out your phone and started filming him.

"U-uh y/n...what are you doing?" He asked nervously.

"Ooh mister Todd *kiss*" you sang along to the one and kissed his cheek which caused him to clench the knife a little too tightly.

"W-What was that for-"

"Im so happy - *kiss*" you kissed him again that made him accidentally active his quirk and squeeze the handle of the knife so tightly that it broke.

"I could eat you up I really could-  *kiss*" you gave him another kiss which caused him to freak out.

"Y/NNN!!!" he whined while covering his glowing face and backing away from you.

"What's wrong Cinnabon? I thought you liked filming with me." You gushed at how embarrassed he was.

"Y-yeah like a dance or something!" he began to cry, "n-not this! You know I can barely handle one of your kisses! Are you trying to kill me or something!?" He speculated as his nose startled bleeding and he went off on a disoriented speculation that you were trying to torture him for something he did.

"Aw, I'm sorry Cinnabon..." you cooed and went to hug him but he jumped back in fear.

"NO! D-Don't touch me!" He turned his back to you in embarrassment.
"A-At least not right now..."

"Are you alright baby?" You asked worryingly.

"Y-Yeah!" He said while sleepwalking to the bathroom, "I just need to use the bathroom real quick!"

He locked himself in the bathroom and turned on all the faucets so you couldn't really hear what was going on in there. All you knew was that when he came out, he was soaking wet and looked exhausted.

So instead of having a movie night you took him to his dorm room and the two of you went to bed.

Katsuki Bakugo
*Passing the Phone*

"I'm passing the phone to to someone who goes to bed at 8pm!" you snickered at the camera.

Hearing this, Bakugo got peeved and snatched the phone from you.

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