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This was done real quick to let you all know I haven't died. 

The planned scenarios are taking longer than expected now that I've got classes on the weekends. 

Izuku Midoriya

*He pisses you off*


"Cinnabon!" You smiled, opening the door to your boyfriend. 

"What are you doing here this late?" You kissed his cheek and invited him in, usually during the week you'd stay with your grandmother since she lived closer to school but on Fridays/ the weekends you'd stay with your grandfather. 

It was a Friday evening and you were at your grandfather's house about to make dinner. 

"Hey Y/n, I heard fro your grandma that you were feeling homesick, so I made you some Thai food." He smiled holding up containers he brought from home. 

"Aw, Cinnabon thats so sweet." You gushed taking the container from him and letting him in. 

"Hi, Grand Torino." He waved after seeing his summer mentor in the living room. 

"Hey, there kiddo." He waved back, "Getting pretty desp"

"You didnt have to travel all this way just to- What the hell is this?" You froze after opening up the dish. 

"I-its Thai food...Kaeng khiao wan..." He said feeling a bit uneasy at your sudden move change. 

"Green curry?" You asked raising an eyebrow. "That's not Tai food, that's a Thailand dish."

"There's a difference?" He asked genuinely confused.

"Oh no." Said Grand Torino silently looking for cover.  

"Of course there's a difference..." You said trying to suppress your anger. 

"But, they're both still technically Chinese dishes and since your from China I thought-"



"Kid, no, that's how I lost part of my left pinky." Warned your grandfather. 

"...I'm Taiwanese Midoriya!" You exploded. you then continued to give him a lecture on how wrong he was but then stopped midway through after realizing you went a bit overboard. 

"I'm sorry Cinnabon, I went a tad bit too far." You apologized after seeing him hiding behind the couch. 

"I'll say." Said your grandfather sarcastically after exiting his hiding spot; the kitchen cabinet. He then took the food Midoriya brought over and left to go to his room. 

"I-Its ok, it was my fault for the mix-up."

"No but I shouldn't have yelled at you, let me make it up to you, please stay for dinner and sleepover." You pleaded. 

"No no that's ok, I-"

"Please cinnabon?" You begged snuggling up to him causing him to be extremely flustered. "I'll show you how real Tai food is made?" You smirked suggestively. 

"W-well I guess I could....s-stay a little while." His whole face turned bright red. 

You two spent the rest of the evening cooking real Tai food and watching movies all night until you both fell asleep snuggled up in your bed.   

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