Hitoshi and Dabi!

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First Meeting


Also the licencing arc I told you I'd write is taking WAY too long and I'm not even half way done so in the meantime here!

Shinso Hitoshi

"Hitoshi Shinsou?" you called from the group of students.

He lazily raised his hand indicating himself as present.

"Splendid, please come with me." You Smiled, you led him to a section of the training room spacious enough for the two of you.

You were a tutor at U.A's after school programs from another school. You had taken up this job because you needed the extra cash and it was a great way to mingle with the elite U.A students.

"So your records say you're having trouble with combat, being a melee fighter, I will be helping you with sparing, I'm first year y/n l/n of h/s (hero school)." You smiled holding you're your hand for him to shake but all he did was stare at you with his signature bored expression.

"Not the social type I see, very well, we can work on that as well." You smile never wavered.

"Um...let's start with the basics, how good are you at blocking?"

"..." He remained silent.

"...ok!" You sweat nervously, "How about we just spare and see where you are, how's that sound?"

"..." He merely nodded agreeing with you, you smiled at this, at least he communicated with you.

When the fight started, you knocked him flat on his ass in a matter of minutes.

"Oh my, it seems we have our work cut out for us, but I guess that gives us more time to get to know each other..." You laughed nervously giving him a hand to stand up but he ignored your hand and sat on the floor, so you, taking a break, handed him a bottle of water to which he hesitantly took.

"I saw you at the sports festival, you were really cool..." he immediately chocked on his water at your confession.

"You almost beat that Izuku kid without even touching him, I kind want to know how you did that, was it your quirk?" You asked trying to figure out his quirk, when he looked behind you then back up at you, he didn't answer which confused you and made it even more confusing when you turned around seeing all the other students peering at you two, mainly Shinsou almost watching him to see if he does anything suspicious.

"Huh? Any idea why there watching us like that?" When he avoided eye contact with you, it made you all the more worry.

Sitting beside him, you sighed, "Look, I don't know what's going on, from what I could tell from the sports festival, you were acting very confident...but also spiteful, you mentioned having a powerful quirk, but a because it wasn't physical, you were unprepared for the entrance exams..." When he looked at you, you knew you had done something right, so you continued.

"My quirk is relates to my physical attributes, so I can't exactly relate to what your going through, so I'm sorry, whatever it is though it must be very dangerous seeing as though those students were watching you so intently..." you sighed lying down on the padded floor looking up at the ceiling.

"I know those looks though, those are fearful eyes, it's almost as if your quirk was fit for a villain...and I know exactly how that feels..." You looked up at Shinsou who was now looking at you with regretful eyes.

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