Going to His House

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Going to His House

Izuku Midoriya

You didn't know much about Midoriya's home, but from what he told you is that he lived in an apartment with his mother so finding his specific apartment block was quite a bit of a challenge.

Upon knocking on the 5th door that day and was unsure if you were at the right apartment you were greeted by a short and slightly plump with green hair and matching green eyes; You were definitely at the right apartment.

"Umm, g-good evening Mrs Midoriya, I'm y/n l/n, I go to school with your son, is Izuku home?" You asked nervously as she just watched you bug eyed in shock.

"O-Oh, yes...one minute please" She stuttered nervously closing the door forgetting to close the door and rushing off into her apartment. Getting a little too curious you took off your earphones to listen in on what was going on in the apartment.

"Izuku! Izuki! There's a girl at the door asking for you, and she's really pretty!" You blushed hearing the conversation from the outside.

"huh? What a girl!?" You heard his typical nervous voice. You giggled to yourself placing your earmuffs back on. "W-Who is it?'

"She said her name was Y/n L/n, you go to school with her?"

Silence was heard, then, all of a sudden, sporadic stumbling could be heard approaching the door on the other side, and out came Midoriya in his shorts and white tee shirt which made you blush brightly; you've never seen I'm in casual wear before.

"O-Oh, hi Midoriya, I just-you left this at the train station!" You blurted handed him hs her costume.

"Thanks so much." He smiled taking it, "Oh wow you was he it to, you're the best!"

"I-it's no trouble..." You scratched your head nervously catching his mother peeping in from the distance. "Well, see you at school!" You tried leaving.

"Wait hold on, stay!" He called without thinking, "I mean, you live in Yamanashi right? That's a long way back home, come inside, you can stay over for the night." The thought of staying over a boy's house was very nerve racking as the same for Midoriya finding any way to make you stay longer.

"I couldn't my grandpa is waiting on me back home I should probably-"

"It's no trouble!" Came his mother "Really!" She seemed more desperate that Izuku; at least you knew where he got his spastic tendencies from.

"At least stay for some tea."

You agreed to stay for a few minutes...that was 3hours ago.

"Wow! You live in Yamanashi? That's so cool!" Gushed Mydoriya's mom. You were still in the kitchen cleaning up after having dinner with Izuku and his mother.

"Yeah, with my grandpa, it's kinda far to commute but it's really fun to see the little differences Yamanashi has with Musutafu." You took up the last of the dishes from the table and in the sink.

"I'm going there next week for internships, maybe you can show me around?" Izuku asked.

"I'd love to, it's a date then." You smiled making him blush.

"Y-Yeah, sure."

"So y/n what's your quirk, does it have something to do with your ears?" She asked noticing you're the earplugs Midoriya bought for you a couple of weeks ago.

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