Mirio Togata *Requested*

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*Requested by: all_the_love5*

A/N: I didn't think it would be possible but I've now reached a point where I'm not able to read all the comments due to the sheer number of you guys (I'm still coming to grips that this fanfic is THIS popular XD) So if any of you have any requests just dm me!

He plays a scary VR game

"Hey there Y/N!" He smiled as soon as you walked into your living room only to find Mirio greeting you with that permanent smile of his and completely naked.

"It is way too early in the morning for this." You grumbled going to the fridge for some orange juice. 

"Oh, there she goes on again!" He laughed putting on his clothes. "Always so grumpy in the morning."

"You know, I gave you a key for a reason." You said a bit annoyed seeing him naked all the time, "And its noon on a Saturday." You noticed you woke up earlier than usual on the weekend.

"Yeah but I kinda lost it." He admitted and laughed again, "Haha, sorry about that."

"It's cool" You sighed taking out some food from the fridge. "So what are you doing here? I thought you and Tamaki had a date." You said semi-sarcastically while sitting on a stool near the counter. 

"Oh you kidder!" He laughed pushing your shoulder but it was too hard and you fell off the stool. "Oh, sorry there."

   "You and your damn superhuman strength." You grumbled getting back up and finishing your food. "If you didn't always hang out with those heroes all the time you'd know how to treat us, regular people."

"All I'm hearing is, you missed me!" He laughed while hugging you as you continued to eat. 

"That isn't even remotely what I said." You sighed trying to suppress your blush, "But what are you doing here today?"

"I came to hang out with  one of my best buddies!" He smiled trying to hug you again but you shut it down. 

"I can't, I gotta get these codes in before tomorrow." You said while finishing your breakfast. As you were about to go back to your room Mirio picked you up and threw him over his shoulder. 

"Oh come on Y/n you've been cooped up in your apartment for a solid 2 weeks now, come out and get some fresh air with me." He offered taking you against his will but you knew you couldn't fight him so you just let him take you. 

"You can't just break into my apartment and start demanding things, there's a term for what you do you know." You pointed out.

"Being a dear friend by worrying about their other friend's well being?" He asked innocently. 

"Breaking and entering." You corrected.

"Oh, you kidder!" He laughed while taking you to the living room and plopping you on the couch.

"Since you hate going outside I bought you this!" He smiled handing you a VR headset. 

"Hmmm...this is pretty high quality." You praised checking it out, "Sure, I guess I could use a break." you then started to set it up. 

"They've got anything from a tour of Italy to underwater!" He explained excitedly as you handed him a controller and mask. "Which one you wanna try first!?" 

"How about this one?" You said picking a game. 

"A...H-haunted mansion?"

"Yeah, you aren't scared are you?"

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