He Has a Stomach Ache

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*requested by: Frinnak*

A/n: Republished because Wattpad didn't save the last half of this chapter and I had to rewrite it from memory ;-;

Katsuki Bakugo

"It's one thing to eat my snacks..." you sighed while bringing in a bowl of soup, "it's suicidal to even THINK of eating from B/1!" You scolded him.

Often times when he would come over your house, Bakugo would eat all of your snacks; however, as of recently he would eat anything in the fridge, including your brother's snacks.

"That bastard makes some really good spicy Chamangos..." He groaned while curling up in bed; clutching his stomach.

If there is one thing you don't mess with it's B/1's snacks.

"You got some balls to think he wouldn't try to kill you..." you sighed, "that was enough poison to kill 3 men, why'd you eat all of it!?"

"Cause it was delicious, dumbass-ACK!" He cried while clutching his stomach.

"I can't believe it, your stubbornness saved you..." you face palmed, "actually, I do believe it, your as hardheaded as B/1..." you sighed.

"Y/n...don't ever compare me to him..." said B/1 walking in with some extra blankets.

"Oh you got some nerve showing your face in here!" You yelled at your oldest brother.

"...well...I do pay most of the bills..." he said bluntly, unaware that you were angry at him.

"B/1 how could you do something so cruel!?" You cried which got him to pay attention.

"But...he ate my snacks..." he tried defending.

" what have I told you about trying to poison Bakugo!?" You glared.

"don't use anything lethal..." he said like an annoyed 4 year old instead of the 25 y-year-old Army Colonel that he was.

"So why did you do it?" You folded your arms.

"C-cause he-"

" do you even think about blaming my baby I'll hate you forever..." You growled.

"y-you don't mean that..." he said in disbelief.

B/1 what's your oldest brother. He was also the most protective of you which meant your opinion of him meant everything. So this was the most heartbreaking thing that you could do to him.

"Your just upset right now, y-you'll get over it..."
Though he was the stoic and more serious of the bunch, he became incredibly emotional whenever you got angry with him.

"I mean it big brother, I'll be mad at you for a REALLY long time..." you glared.

"...ok ok, here's the antidote..." he grumbled while handing you a vial of mysterious liquid.

"Finally..." you snatched it from him, "here babe, drink this" you fed it to him and seconds later he pushed past you and rushed to the bathroom.

"What the-what was in this?!" You glared at the vial.

"The antidote ipecac..."


" The only way we can get the poison out of his system" he shrugged.

"Oh my God..." you panicked and ran past your brother, "hang on babe, I'll go get you some medicine."

"All of you stay the hell away from me!" He cried while throwing up in the bathroom.

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