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When You Train Together

**Requested by XxMarsheexX12**  

IDK why, but some of these are a bit sexual XD

Izuku Midoriya

"Ack!" Screamed Midoriya in pain.

"Oh wow, Midoriya! you're really fast!" You complimented while pinning him to the floor and  twisting his leg, "Can you teach me that move next?"

"S-ah!-sure!" He cried tapping out. though you admired Midoriya's skills, you  were very competitive and hated losing, your grampa said you got it from your quote, "Crazy as hell grandmother." 

"Now all you have to do is grab my arm, twist it and turn around..." He gave you step by step instructions and you followed them flawlessly, which scared him dearly because he knows what's coming next.

"Then...j-just pull me with all your might over your shoulder-AHHH!" he cried as you flipped him the way he did to Bakugou on his first class assignment.

"Yay I did it!" you cheered.

"G-Great job..." Midoriya groaned slowly getting up.

"Aw, did I hurt you?" You asked cornered seeing him in a hunched position.

"I-Its ok, I get hurt all the time." He laughed nervously.

"That may be true but I don't want to be the cause of it." You admitted helping him to a seat. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't feel bad, it just means you're an expert fighter, in fact, I want to train with you more often."

"R-really?!" Your eyes lit up.

"Yeah, your really strong, its kind of scary cause now I know I can't make you angry" He laughed again nervously.

"Aw, Mydoriya I could never be mad at you, thanks so much for finding me so strong." You kissed him o the cheek making him blush. 

"But I'm not that strong, if we were using our quirks you'd kick my ass in less than a second" it was now your turn to laugh nervously. "Wanna go for another round?" You asked eagerly to which he flinched.

"Umm, maybe we should head home, it's getting late, but we could train tomorrow though...or tommorrow...or at least I can feel my arms again..."

now it was your turn to laugh nervously and apologize again for hurting him so badly.

"Come on, I'll take you home, " 

"I'm kinda hungry too..." You laughed hearing his stomach rumble.

"Then I'll make you some Katsudon, hope your mom doesn't mind me using her kitchen."

"Oh its fine, she won't mind, plus she's usually out with her friends today and won't be back for a few hours." He explained.

"So you just go home without dinner!?" You gasped in concerned.

"Oh no she usually leaves me meals in the fridge but sometimes she does forget." He smiled s you sat at the train station waiting on the train.

"Well that won't do, Mydoriya, then next time your hungry, call me, id be happy to me=ake you whatever you like!"

"R-Really?!" He smiled brightly, "Thaks so much I love you cooking."

"T-thanks" you blushed at his compliment. 

The train arrived and you went to his house and made him his favorite, Katsudon and you ended up staying over watching movies, eventually fall asleep on the couch cuddled together. 

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