How you met/first meeting (New characters)

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Ejiro Kirishima

"You must be the foreign exchange student" Smiled Kirishima's mom as she let you in. you were a foreign exchange student living with Kirishima's family.

"It's very nice to meet all of you." You smiled as Kirishima's father took in your bags 

"You must have had a long flight from your home country, do you need anything, something to drink maybe some food?"

"Oh no I'm fine, I do need to use your bathroom though, may I?" 

"Oh, of course, this is your home too now, its wright upstairs, the second door on the left, right next to my son's room, he's probably up there now studying." she smiled. "you go on ahead while we put your bags in your room."

"Than you very much mam." You bowed and went upstairs to find the restroom. 

"Hello there, my name is Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you" You smiled

"Second door on the-huh!?" while on your way upstairs you passed by Kirishima's room whose door was wide open showing him in his room weight training...shirtless.

"Oh hey!" Smiled Kirishima casually while you lit up like a Christmas tree in embarrassment after walking in on him working out. "You must be Y/n, its great to meet you, I'm Ejiro Kirishima, welcome to our home!" He put down his weights to come and greet you while you tried your best to keep eye contact. 

"I-It's nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n L/n." Your blush brightened as you shook his hand.

"Ow." He hissed after you scratch his hand on accident with your nail causing you to quickly pull your hand back and apologize. 

"It's alright, it's just a little scratch" He laughed it off but you were in a mental panic trying to discretely hide your claws. 

"I hear you got into U.A through recommendation, that means you must be pretty strong." He complimented.

"Strength has nothing to do with it..." you giggled now unable to hold eye contact, "Its more skill than overall physical strength that got me here, I mean look at me, I'm not exactly physically strong, you, on the other hand, seem pretty...muscular." You tried calming your blush after catching a glimpse of his abs. 

"I'm sure your quirk has something to do do with your strength as well..."

"Yeah, my quirk hardens my skin, its kind of more of a defensive quirk than offense." He smiled hardening his hand to show his quirk.

"Oh wow, that's amazing!" Your eyes widened in shock and awe. you went to touch it but quickly drew back your hand after remembering what might happen.

"What about you? I'm sure your quirk is awesome too."

"My quirk...." You now faced him nervously but for different reasons, "Well...I-I don't have a quirk..."You lied not wanting him to think less of you once he figured out your quirk. 

"And you got into U.A so easily? Wow, you're amazing!" He complimented.

"Thanks" You smiled nervously "Well, I better go...unpack." You slowly walked away trying to get out of your awkward situation. 

"Need any hel-"

"No!" You froze after realizing you came off too suspicious, "I thanks I can handle it, thank you though." You waved from your new room which was across from his room...great.

"Alright see you later." He smiled as you waved and closed the door and sighed in relief.

"That was close..." You said to yourself looking at your clawed hand that looked like a paw then slowly transform back into a regular human hand. 

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