You Wear Something of His

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Katsuki Bakugo
His gauntlets

They're really heavy but you think they are pretty cool and began pretending to be your boyfriend while in front of the mirror. 

"What you say punk!?" You mugged while waving around his grenade gauntlets. "I'm gonna be the number 1 hero so nobody better get in my way! Especially that broccoli shared Deku I secretly have a crush on!" You joked. 

You were having so much fun that you didn't notice Bakugo leaning against the door frame. He catches you and is amused but then quickly got annoyed when you started to mock him.

"You wanna tell me what the hell you're doing?" He tried glaring but he couldn't hide his amused smirk. He couldn't help but feel a bit excited when you wore something of his. 

"What are you talking about nerd!?" You growled back, still in character, "I'm the best damn hero so don't even try to talk to me you damn extra!"

He couldn't help himself, "You know it's got my sweat right?" He admitted. 

"What!?" You squealed, "Ew-ew! Gross!" You quickly took them off and gagged.

"You jerk you stood there and let me put them on!" You whined then ran into his bathroom to take a shower.


Shoto Todoroki
His Belt

"~~Jingle, jangle jingle~~" You sang to yourself as you moved your hips causing your boyfriend's utility belt to make chiming sounds.

"Uh, Y/n...what are you doing?" He asked nervously. He was looking for his belt and found you wearing it and shaking your hips absentmindedly to make it jingle   

"Hehe...Shoto-kun they sound like wind chimes!" You smiled innocently, shaking your hips even more without turning around to look at him, too preoccupied with his jingling belt charms.

"I-uh...ok but...why are you bouncing so much?" He blushed, the more you swung your hips, the more certain body parts began to jiggle. 

"Cause it's fun!" You beamed, "Hey, what sorts of stuff you got in here?" You asked while giggling even more to try and hear what's inside the little capsules on his belt. 

"Uh... just some petroleum jelly and p-peroxide-can you stop that!?" He covered his cheeks. 

"Huh?" You turned to him and finally noticed how red he was. 

Hitoshi Shinso
His mask

"You merely adopted the dark; I was born in it!" You mimicked using your boyfriend's voice-changing mask.

 "Hey, Y/n have you seen my-" He walked into your room to see you playing with his mask, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear..." You said in a weird voice. 

"What have I told you about cosplaying with my hero costume?" He sighed, "Give t back you dork."

"You appear to misunderstand your position..." You tried sounding threatening, still wearing his mask.

"Aight, I've had enough..." He pulled out his scarf. 

"Trying to fight?" You chuckled darkly, "Let's see what breaks first, Your spirit, or your spine..." 

There was no fight,, you lost instantly because you were tied up with his scarf. 

"I'll untie you when I get back from training, in that time this should keep you out of trouble..." He then left you to struggle against his bounds.

Keigo Takami (Hawks)
His goggles

"She the most dangerous woman in the world..." you narrated while modeling in your boyfriends' hero glasses. 

"Intelligent, cunning, and drop-dead gorgeous..." You gloated in the mirror, "she can break a bone and a heart...and still have time to defuse a bomb." You lifted the glasses and put them to rest on your head, then winked at the imaginary camera, "She's Y/n L/n! International super-spy! saving the world one pose at a tIME!" You shrieked after seeing Keigo in the doorframe trying to muffle his laughter. 

"I-I..." you were so embarrassed. 

"So that's where my glasses went," He smirked walking up to you, "Here I thought I left them at work but no, they were stolen by the infamous Y/n, L/n, international spy!" He laughed.

"Just take 'em and go!" Yui threw them at him and he laughed, kissed you on the cheek, and left for work.

"And that's super-spy to you!" You corrected.


His coat

It was starting to get really cold, you didn't have enough money for a new jacket, so you decided to wear your boyfriend's coat instead.

"Oh wow, it's really warm..." wrapped yourself in his coat but didn't realize how gigantic it was on you. "and smells just like him" You creepily sniffed the coat, feeling warmer as the sent reminded you of him whenever you two cuddled in bed.

"Damn..." He smirked causing you to squeak in surprise.

"H-hey babe...your home early..." You laughed nervously. 

"I left my coat..but it looks way better on you..." He eyed you up and down hungrily.

"S-sorry, here I'll give it ba-" You tried taking it off but then Dabi wrapped his arms around you to stop you. 

" can keep fact...I want it to be the only thing you wear.." He growled seductively in your ear causing you to squirm in his hold. 

"C-cut it out you perv!" You blushed, "It just got a little chilly!" 

"Want me to help warm you up?" He smirked. 

"No!" you swatted him away and went to get started on lunch.

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