Jealousy Pt. 2

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Izuku Midoriya

He doesn't get jealous, in fact you hardly ever saw him get mad at petty things. That is until today.

Both your classes were paired together in a school project. Sadly you hadn't been paired with your boyfriend, instead being assigned with Aoyama.

"Your overreacting Cinnabon, he seems like a pretty nice guy, I mean you two are friends right?" You smiled in blissful ignorance.

"I...guess..." he rubbed his arm nervously, "just be careful ok, Aoyama is a nice guy but he has his moments..."

"Oh Cinnabon..." you laughed and rolled your eyes. "Your so-AH!" You screamed in fear once you realized that the blonde boy was silently standing in between the two of you, just...staring and sparkling.

"H-Hey Yuga..." you waved while sweating nervously because you were still trying to calm you increased heart rate.

"Are you ready to go madam?" He smiled and held out his hand for you to take in an over dramatic fashion.

"Uh...yeah sure..." you were taken aback by his gestures and dialect but nonetheless was still amused by him and took his hand. "See ya later Cinnabon!" You waved.

"If he gives you cheese don't eat it!" He whisper yelled as you were being pulled away.

-Spongebob Narrorator Voice: A few hours later-

It was well into the evening and school ended a good while ago yet you and Aoyama were still working on your project.

"Oh and we can add glitter as the pièce de résistance!" You suggested.

"I like the way you think mon cheri!" He praised.

"Thanks! It's getting pretty late, we should probably pack it up for the night." You noticed while standing up to stretch.

"Yes I guess your right." He admitted sadly, "very well, if we must part ways for the evening then please take this as a token of my appreciation..." he Andes you a plate of cheese.

"Aw Yuga- wait where had you been keeping that this whole time?" You asked nervously while remembering your boyfriend's warning.

"I made it myself, here, try some..." ignoring your initial question, he took up a cube of the cheese and tried feeding you.

"Y/n no!" Before it could even reach your lips, Midoyia, seemingly out of nowhere, had snuck out of his hiding spot and kicked the cheese out of the blonde boy's hand.

"Huh? Midori-" Aoyama was quickly silenced when your boyfriend roundhouse kicked him to the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" He cried in a panic, "I-I didn't mean to it was on accident I swear!" He apologized while you helped Aoyama up.

"'s alright Midoriya..." he tried laughing it off but you knew his black eye definitely hurt.

"Aw geez Cinnabon I never would have pegged you as the jealous type..." you shook your head in disappointment but there was a bit of teasing in there too.

"W-What!? It wasn't out of jealousy I was trying to save you!" He defended while crying.

"I guess I should think twice the next time I try to make friends with Midoriya's girlfriend Huh?" Whined Yuga sarcastically while over-dramatically holding his bruised eye in an attempt to tease your boyfriend even further.

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