Seeing You Naked😳

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Izuku Midoriya

"You can do can do this... ok..." you psyched yourself up to go through with the challenge.

Izuku was studying at his table in his room when you suddenly walked in.

"H-hey Cinnabon..." you called from behind him.

"Oh hey-" he turned around but immediately froze in shock.

"C-Cinnabon?" You blushed in awkwardly.

"B-b-b-Bo-Bo-boo-b-Bo-b...." He tried choking out.

"You ok sweetie-EH!" you tripped and fell on top of him.

"Huh!? AHH!" He passed out from the shock.

"This was not the best idea..." you thought As you dragged his unconscious body into his bed to rest.

He couldn't look you in the eyes for a week.


"Cinnabon I said I'm sorry..." you whined at his antics.

"I know y/n by I have to be prepared in case something happens by accident," he explained while reaching for his notebook with a blindfold on and tissues stuffed up his nose.

"But you can't even see!" you complained.

"Oh Y/n I'll be fine don't wo... rry..." he reached out to grab what he thought were his books but they definitely weren't.

For one thing, his notebook didn't have the consistency of jello.



The two of you were too stunned to speak.

"Hello Midoriya, sorry to intrude but I..." Iida walked in on the scene, "..."

"U-Uhh!" you both blushed.

"Midoriya!" he gasped in shock, "I had no idea you performed such devious acts!" He chastised then promptly left in a huff of disappointment, "especially with your upperclassmen, how dubious!"

"W-WAIT ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK!" he cried while running after him (still blindfolded).

Katsuki Bakugo

You casually walked into your room after your shower, using your towel to dry your hair. You were completely naked as you thought that you had closed your door and that you were alone: Key word, thought.

While searching through your drawers for an outfit, you paused Did you notice something on your bed from the corner of your eye. Your attention quickly turn to your bed to finally acknowledge Bakugo Sitting on your bed and frozen in shock just staring at you.

"...ayo what the hell are you doing in here!?" you blushed, "and why didn't you say anything you pervert!?"

"Don't look at me like that you idiot! Your brothers told me that you were out, I was just waiting on you!" He defended himself.

"That doesn't explain why you just sat there staring at me and not saying anything you jackass!" you threw a hair rush at him.

"Agh! You psycho!" he howled in pain, "it's not my fault you're so...s-so..." his face suddenly went red.

"So what? Huh?! Spit it out prick!" you threatened angrily but then noticed his red face, "waaaaiiiitt..." you smirked, "is lord explosion murder flustered?!"

"No! Shut up you idiot!"

"Aw how cute, the big bad Bakugo is scared of a little skin..." you smirked teasingly.

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