He Finds Out You Speak Another Language

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He Finds Out You Speak Another Language  

*Requested by Error404CodexBinary*

*WARNING: I used google translate for most of these*

Izuku Midoriya


"Grandpa was right! You've finally lost it!" 

"Nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ!?"(Where are you doing!?) asked your gran-gran while the two of you were in an argument

"Nǐ zhè gāisǐ de shēngyì dōu méiyǒu!"(None of your damn business!)

"Kàn nǐ de yǔqì!" (Watch your tone!).

A knock was heard from the door but neither of you wanted to get it.

"Dédào gāisǐ de mén!" (Get the damn door!)

"Bàoqiàn! Wǒ tīng bù dào nǐ de shēngyīn!" (Sorry! Can't hear you!) You placed your headphones back on ignoring her.


"H-Hi y/n" Smiled Midioriya nervously, he was there to take you on a date.

"Oh, I'm sorry Midoriya, it's just, me and Nana got into an argument." You admitted.

"Shuí zài ménkǒu!?"(Who's at the door!?)

"Qǐchuáng Bìng qīnzì kàn kàn Rúguǒ nǐ gāisǐ de hàoqí!"(Get up and come see for yourself if you're that damn curious!)

It startled Midoriya as not only did you speak another language, you were also very angry, which was something he wasn't entirely used to.

"Whenever she's mad she speaks her native language, Mandarin and won't stop for a few hours..." You sighed rubbing your temple.

"I didn't know you spoke another language."

"Well, I did live in China with Nana when I was younger." You reminded him of your time secluded in the quiet mountains when you were a child.

"Oh right." He smiled happily to found out something new about you.

"Shì Midoriya de háizi ma? Nǐmen liǎng gè zuò'ài ma? Yīnwèi rúguǒ nǐ shì yīgè dà máfan de xiǎojiě!"(Is it that Midoriya kid!? Are you two having sex? Because if you are your in big trouble young lady!)

"GRAN GRAN!" You blushed.

"What did she say?" asked Midoriya in curiosity.

"S-She said...to have fun on our date." You lied.

"Bù, wǒ méiyǒu nǐ làn háizi!" (No I did not you rotten child!)

"Well, what did she say this time?"

"She said we should leave now before we miss out on all we've planned." You hurriedly ushered him out before your nana could embarrass you further.

"Bù, wǒ méiyǒu! Wǒ shuō nǐ zuì hǎo bùyào-" (No I didn't, I said you two better not be-) you left slamming the door to save yourself. 

Katsuki Bakugou


"Buenos tardes Bakugou!" You smiled as you walked towards him after not seeing him the whole day.

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