Fight Fight! Fight!👊 💢 Pt. 1

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I'm tired of putting this off!😫

Requested by: MelonSherbert

Izuku Midoriya

He had been acting pretty distant lately since the villains had a target on his back. You were getting worried about him and tried to ease his mind but he never cheered up no matter what you did. At some point, he even started avoiding you, and you didn't like that.

"Cinnabon..." You followed after him in the hall but he kept on walking as if he didn't see or hear you.


"Cinnabon?" You watch as he continued to walk and accidentally brushed his bag against Bakugo.

"What it Deku!" The blonde exploded but your boyfriend just kept walking.


"What the hell!? How dare you ignore me, nerd!" He wanted to fight but saw just how empty Midoriya looked.


"Please, just talk to me, baby..." You pleaded while chasing after him.


"C-Cinnabon?..." You were on the verge of tears at this point.


"IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" You lost it. You hated raising your voice at him but you didn't know what else to do.

You were worried about him, and by the time he turned to face you, your concern was justified. he had dark bags under his eyes and he had a slouch. he was completely exhausted but his eyes looked jittery, almost as if he was in a constant state of panic.

"Y/n..." He called weakly which made you rush to his side.

"Are you ok baby? your starting to scare me...." You saw how pale his skin was, "please...just talk to me, we can figure this out together..."

"I'm fine y/n..." He tried sounding reassuring but you weren't convinced.

"Clearly you aren't Deku..." Glared Bakugo who was just as concerned but didn't show it.

"Come on Cinnabon, you know you can tell us- well, me anything..." You clarified which made the blonde boy glare at you.

"I know Y/n, but I really am fine..." He held your hand in his and squeezed them lovingly.

"Prove it..." You eyed him skeptically, "Bakugo, (Bakugo's girlfriend) and I are going to the mall after school, come with us."

"Wha--You mean today?" He became nervous.

"Is there a problem dork!?" Asked Bakugo after feeling offended.

"N-no not at all its just...I don't think I can make it-"

"Cinnabon..." You called lovingly, "Don't tell me your gonna go out all night again to scope out the villains' HQ?"

"...I..." He didn't want to admit it.

"Cinnabon..." You said warningly, "You can't keep doing this, your starting to worry us, your mom calls all the time, All Might can't find you half the time, and even Bakugo's getting worried about you!"

"The hell I am!" Yelled the blonde as he stomped away.

"The point is, Cinnabon...just take a break, you can't tire yourself you looking for these villains, you need to rest..."

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