Forming a Family Minis

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Here are some mini-scenarios of you and our kids.

Katsuki Bakugo

Son S/n (5), Daughter (D/n: age 2)

"You dead?" Asked Bakugo walking into his son's room to check up on him.

"I'm breathing arent I?" Shrugged the 5-year-old while quietly reading a picture book, not even bothering to look up at his father. 

"Well keep living you little shit, I need to keep you alive till your mom gets home in 5." He was taking care of his kids for the day since he didn't have work that day. 

"Thank God." He said in a monotone while flipping a page in his book. 

"Screw off, you twerp!" He slammed his door shut. 

"Love you too dad!" He yelled back to piss him off even more. 

He then stomped over to his daughter's room to check up on her. 

"Hey, brat, did you set anything on fire?" He asked walking in, he hadn't checked on her in about 20 minutes so it was definitely possible she was doing something she wasn't supposed to. 

Unfortunately for him, she was.

"Baba!" Called your daughter messing with your make up.

"The hell did you even get your mom's make up!?" He growled.

"Mama pretty!" She smiled while admiring herself in the mirror. 

"You look like a damn clown!" He insulted but she just laughed. 

"Baba pretty too?" She asked while raising the lipstick she was putting on towards him. 

"Hell no." He glared. 

"Baba!" She cried because she wasn't getting her way.  

"Listen here kid, I'm a grown man, I'm not gonna let some twerp tell me what to do!" He shouted. 

"D-Dada...?" Tears formed in her eyes. 

"...God fucking damn it..."

"I'm home!" You called walking in from work.

"Mommy!" Called your son bursting out from his room, which he had been in all day to come and greet you.

"Aw did my precious baby boy missed his mommy?" You gushed as he ran up to hug you so you showered his face in kisses causing him to giggle ad act lie an actual 5-year-old instead of the sarcastic mastermind he was when he was with his father.

"Now where's my little girl?" 

"She's with dad in her room" He pointed. 

"Thank you, baby, now go wash up I brought take out" 

"Yay!None of Dad's cooking!" He cheered rushing to the bathroom. 

You walked upstairs to your daughter's room to greet you and your husband but was met with a surprise,   

"Hi babies, I'm ho-Holy shit!" You laughed at the sight. 

"Dont you fucking dare..." Glared our husband but you were already on the floor dying of laughter. 

You had walked in to see your husband in your daughter's room, wearing a dress and toy tiara, a face full of makeup while your daughter was painting his nails. 

"Dada pretty!" Smiled your daughter. 

"Y-yes, yes, daddy's a very pretty princess!" You started snorting in laughter after seeing your husband take off the tiara and tried to get up and leave but tripped over himself because he was also wearing heels causing you to choke in laughter. 

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