Crane Game! 🎲

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He plays a claw game

Izuku Midoriya

"So if I divide x by the number of factors associated with the variables multiplied by the volume of the box..." he rambled on with a marker while writing formulas on the glass to figure out how to win the claw game.

"Cinnabon..." you pinched the bridge of your nose, "Its ok, I don't even want it anymore-"

"Sh-sh, I almost got it Y/n!" he smiled excitedly.

You had been there for almost an hour and by now you just wanted to leave the mall so you could make it to the movie on time.

"But we're gonna miss the movie!" you cried.

"Dont worry, well make it I promise..." he smiled sweetly.

You sighed in defeat and found a nearby seat till he was ready.

-2 hours later-

"Cinnabon..." you yawned.

"I'm almost there y/n I swear!" he promised.

"But baby they need to close the arcade..." you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Got it!" he beamed.


You watched as he put a token in the machine and began playing.

"Allmmmmooost..." he focused in and grabbed the toy.

"Oh my gosh!" you cheered excitedly, "Cinnabon you're doing it!"

You two watched on anxiously as he carefully moved the claw to the dispenser.

"Come on come on!" you both cheered happily.

"Gotcha!" he was just about to press the button to release the toy into the dispenser when suddenly-


The power went off and the machine frozen in place, your toy in the clutches of the metal claw.

"W-What?" you paused.

"No...I had it...I HAD IT!" your boyfriend then began to cry and smudge his face against the glass barrier that stood between him and the toy.

"Oh I'm sorry Cinnabon," you put a hand on his shoulder, "come on baby, I'll buy you some ice cream to cheer you up..."

"But I don't want ice cream!" he stomped and cried like a toddler, "I want that All Might action figure!"
He was getting tears all over the glass at this point.

"Sir, please leave..." begged an employee.

"Come on Cinnabon, we'll come back tomorrow..." you reassured while pulling him away forcefully from the machine.

"No! Just gimme one last chance!" he bagged while holding on, "please! I almost won! No no NOOOOOO!" he cried whole clawing at the floor as you dragged him by the legs out of the arcade in the mall.

Mini bonus

"Hey Cinnabon, I got you that All Might plushie!" you beamed while holding up the doll.

"W-Where'd you get it?" he sniffled While poking his head from the blanket cocoon that he wrapped himself into on his bed.

"I bout it at this store..." you shrugged.

"It's not the same!" he grabbed the doll and threw it against the wall like a child having a tantrum.

"Listen here little boy..." you glared down at him, "I went to seven different stores just to find that... you're taking it whether you like it or not!"

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