Being Stalked

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*Requested by: bioshockgirl123*

Izuku Midoriya

Ever since you've been investigating your parent's old homes all around Japan, you've been feeling like someone or something has been watching you as of recently. 

"Hey Y/n." Smiled Midoriya walking towards you after seeing you at your locker. 

"Hey, Cinnabon." You yawned then closed your locker exposing your fact to him. 

"Ah!" He screamed in fear after seeing you. "Uh, uh I mean y-you look beautiful as always this morning!"

"The fact that you had to tell me I'm beautiful means I'm a mess." You gave a forced chuckle and yawned again. 

 "What's wrong, why are you so tired?" He asked while taking your bag and books, he wanted to help you since you looked so tired. 

"Gran gran and grandad finally gave me some info on my parents, apparently, they owned a lot of houses all over the world, and there are a couple all over Japan, so I've been checking them out for the past couple of weeks. " You gave another yawn as you followed him down the hall, "They told me not to but, you know me..." You shrugged. 

"Did you spend the night there or something?" Because of your upbringing, and due to the fact that you lived far from school, you were an early riser and actually liked getting up early.  

"No, but...ever since I've been searching, I've just been getting this weird feeling, like I'm being watched or something..." You then checked your back because you were paranoid. 

"Maybe you should take a break?" Offered Midoriya. 

"No, there's something big that I'm uncovering." You said in stubborn determination, "My parents had a lot of secrets, some of them they told my grandparents never to tell me and their other secrets are something I can't even begin to comprehend...I just...wana know what my family got into before their deaths..."

"I understand..." He said sullenly, "You want closure...I get that...but your not gonna get far if your tired, I really think you should at least take a few days off to recuperate..."

"A-And lose my lead?" You scoffed, "No thanks." 

So for the next few days, much to the disapproval of Midoriya, you continued to go to the houses. one of them was in a remote part of the mountains and had many hidden compartments and rooms. 

"Now why would my parents need this many empty rooms?" You asked yourself while searching through the house and unlike the other houses, it was completely empty, no furniture whatsoever.

"What were you hiding?" You asked while finding another secret room, this tie it led to a staircase to the basement. Slowly going down, the smell of blood flooded your nostrils. 

"What the fu-" As you finally made it to the room, you saw bloodied dolls stabbed tot the wall and oozing black liquid. 

"What is this?" You asked in fear but still pressed on, there was a book in the middle of the room and it was opened to a certain page, there was no dust on it so it was recently opened, almost as if someone wanted you to see it. 

"Soul...entrapment?" It looked like a spellbook of some sort. "Ow!" You cried as you cut your finger on the page and a drop of blood fell on the page.   

"What the...." You don't know what overcame you but you suddenly felt compelled to read it, so you did.  

"Oh dammed souls, 

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