Villian AU (old cast)

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Ok so these are going to be out of order since I'm not done yet with first date/kiss, school has got me by my invisible balls lately, so sorry for missing  last week, in the mean time here:

*This is basically him falling from grace and you refusing to leave him because you love him too kind of a toxic relationship and some parts get a  little dark SO HERE'S YOUR WARNING!*

Izuku Mydoria

*Serial Killer*

"AHH PLEASE NO! PLEASE I BEG OF YO-" The abrupt silence of pleading scream was normal for you to hear, you continued stirring your pot afraid that you might not finish cooking in time before over. 


Your heart nearly stopped as the basement's door unlocked. Thinking quickly, you crawled underneath the first hiding spot you could; The kitchen tble. 

"Oh y/n?" He called in a chilling sing-song tone. "Where are you?" Happy as usual after his work was over because then he'd get to see you.

You clenched your hands tightly around your mouth to silence your slight whimper and breathing. 

"Where'd you go honey?" He asked entering the kitchen, "Leaving your pot on it kind of dangerous sweetie, you might hurt yourself silly!" He laughed going over to the stove to where you once were to see what you were cooking.

"Oh, it smells delicious, your such a great cook, what you make?" He asked circling the table trying to find you,  you could see his bloodied boots from underneath the tablecloth which made you all the more terrified. You could never face him in his dazed state, he's far too much in delusion to properly function 'normally' in this state.

"There you are, sweetie!" He smiled popping his head out from under the kitchen table scaring you out of your skin and causing you to scream.

"Sh-Sh-Sh..." He placed his whole hand over your hand, "Easy sweetie, you could hurt your beautiful voice." He wreaked of fresh blood from his recent victim. 

"Its alright y/n, I'm here, there's nothing to be afraid of..." He dragged you out from under the table and caressed you on the floor in his lap. You sat there whimpering in even more fear as the heavy waft of blood was permanently marked in your nose as is was now smeared on your face. 

"I'm quite hungry, are you finished cooking?" he asked innocently ignoring the fact that his face was splattered with blood.

How did you get into this situation? What went wrong with him? 

After high school, things just went crazy. At first, he loved being a hero, it was his dream since he was a child. but one night you were attacked and couldn't defend yourself so Mydoria went out and front the men who hurt you. He had so much pent-up rage and let loose on them. He loved how revenge tasted, and couldn't get enough of it. 

"I-I'm just f-finishing up..." You told him.

"But playing hide and seek while cooking is quite dangerous darling, although it was fun!" He laughed holding you close to his chest and rubbing his bloodied hands all over your face. 

At first, it was self-defense but then he started attacking anyone who'd look at you. you blamed yourself for the initial incident and to protect anyone else from feeling his wrath you never left your house. You've been his ever since and his thirst for blood only became more unquenchable.

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