Forming a Family: Infant Moments

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Katsuki Bakugo
*drops/throws everything*

"Wahhhh!!!" Cried your daughter when she dropped her toy from her high chair.

"Serves you right for being clumsy." Laughed your husband.

This wasn't revived well because she now began to cry even louder.

"Shut up brat." He grumbled as he picked it up and threw it back at her.

She immediately giggled and began playing with it, only to throw it back on the ground.

"WAaaaaaahhh!!!" She cried again.

"You damn twerp!" He grumbled, got up, then handed his daughter back her toy.

"She's just a baby, take it easy dad."

"No, She's asserting dominance," corrected Bakugo, "WHICH AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!"

Bakugo knew your daughter better than anyone else. So he knew your daughter was just messing with him for a laugh.

"Ba-ka!" She shouted back at him.

"That's DADA to you young lady!" He shouted at her as if she was a rebellious teenager and not an infant.

"Alright chill..." you walked in from the kitchen with dinner. "S/n, go wash up, Babe stop arguing with the baby, and D/n quit provoking your father..." You said nonchalantly while setting the table.

"Yes MAM." Said your son.

"She started it!" Whined your husband.

"No!" Cried your daughter.

"Oh my god, I don't care, just cut it out" you rolled your eyes, "now pick up her toy."

He grumbled but got up and gave her the toy.

With a mischievous giggle, your daughter looked her father dead in his yes and dropped her toy to the floor. As if taunting him, her blank stare sent the message of 'pick it up bitch' which sent Bakugo off in a rage.

"You wanna go!?" He stood up and threw his chair back, ready to fight her.

"Gab-goop-GAH!" She shouted back.

Neither you or your son thought it was just a baby talk; gibberish, but Bakugo understood it perfectly.

"Oh that's it!" He tried running up to her but both you and your son had to step in.

You spent the rest of the evening trying to get your husband to not start a fist fight with your infant daughter.

Shoto Todoroki
*no naps!*

"Ok..." sighed your husband in exhaustion, "what's it gonna take for you two to go to bed?"

Your twins looked at each other then looked at their father.

"This many cookies!" Said your daughter holding up 4 fingers.

" bout I give you them after your nap and I'll throw in some gummy bears?" He bargained.

The 2 year olds looked at each other again then back at Todoroki.

"Fine." Nodded your son.

"Oh thank God." He sighed, "ok into the cribs you go." He helped them into their beds.

Kissing them on the forehead, he wish them sweet dreams and then left the room to leave them to sleep.

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