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Happy Halloween everyone! I have no idea what yall do for Halloween (I'm not American ._.) so I just googled what I think goes on..so...

enjoy ._.

and have a happy holiday! :D

Katsuki Bakugo

Haunted house 

"Boo!" Screamed Hagakure jumping out from the dark corridor in front of you and Bakugo with a clown mask on. 

"...hey Hagakure." You greeted, then continued.

"A clown mask? really?" Asked Bakugo a bit annoyed and walked alongside you.

Nothing scared you ad Bakugo much, so the class had decided to make a haunted house in their dorm building. 

For you, you grew up with 4 brothers, every day was a nightmare, so nothing really scared you, however, you wanted to see Bakugo get scared, so you were totally for the haunted house idea. 

You had your camera ready, waiting for the perfect moment to catch your boyfriend with a fear-stricken face. But so far nothing was getting to him, which made you think, did anything scare him? or was he just really good at hiding his fear?

He wasn't holding your hand, something he often did whenever you walked side by side, and whenever you reached for his hand yourself he pulls away. this got you to think that he really was getting scared and didn't want you to notice he might be shivering. 

Either way, you were bored already and wanted to take a crack at scaring him cause all your classmates at trash as it. 

"Boo!" Jumped Deku from the ceiling in his hero costume covered in blood. 

"Wha the hell Deku!?" Growled an angry Bakugo, "You were supposed to wear a scary costume, you idiot!" 

As you noticed Deku was dripping fake blood on the floor,  a perfect idea popped into your head. 

"I-I dont really have a Halloween costume...s-sorry Kacchan..." He blushed.

"At least you tried broccoli top..." You pinched his cheek encouragingly. "Better luck next time..." you sighed walking past him "Come on babe, let's go-Ah!" deliberately slipped on the fake blood and pretended to fall unconscious on the floor. 

"Oh no, Y/n are you alright!?" Asked Deku jumping down. 

"You clumsy dumbass! get up!" Growled Bakugo. 

You just laid there, unmoving, to make it more authentic you had placed your head in a puddle of fake blood. 

"Kacchan she's not moving!" Panicked Deku. 

"No she's just fucking around, get up man hands!" he growled using his foot to nudge you to cut it out. 

"Kacchan cut it out I think she might actually be hurt!" Cried Deku, "I'll call recovery girl!" He said and quickly ran off. 

"Quit dicking around man hands..." he leaned down to shake your arm but when you weren't moving this time now that you were alone freaked him out a little, "this isn't funny man hands..man hands..." He looked at your chest and noticed you weren't breathing, you were holding your breath. 

"Y/n? Y/n wake up right now!" He called shaking you in a panicked tone, "I swear to got if your actually hurt ill kill you!" he cried and you quickly snapped a photo of him.

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