One Night Stand🤫

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A/N: Idk wtf is going on but Wattpad is out for me cause XD I can't even use basic features on this app anymore! XD

They found out I want all the smoke and now they mad XD

I'm moving back to Quotev/DeviantArt as soon as this story is over stg ._.

Anyways pls enjoy this early chapter!

College AU: The Morning After🤫

Izuku Midoriya

You woke up by the sound of his alarm clock startling the two of you.

"Wha-where the-" you sat up in bed but then quickly covered yourself with the bedsheets after realizing you were naked.

"Ugh..." you heard a male voice groan beside you.

Your eyes nearly darted out of your head once you glanced at his naked body.

"Ah!" you blushed after recognizing him.

He was a freshman that took a lot of honors classes with you. You noticed him around campus and thought he was cute.

The memories started to come back. Since you skipped a year you didn't really get to interact with students your age. So when the chance came and you were invited to a party, you eagerly went and finally got to meet him. Everything after that was a blur but given the empty beet bottles on the floor and your naked bodies intertwined you could clearly put the pieces together yourself.

"Huh? Oh hey, good morning," he finally awoke, "how did you sleep-" his face almost caught on fire once he saw that you were naked.

"Oh my gosh!" he jumped out of bed, exposing himself.

"Whoa!" you blushed and looked away.

"Oh geez, I'm so sorry!" he apologized and quickly put on some underwear.

"Are you alright? Do you need anything?" he nervously panicked while kneeling beside you.

" clothes would be nice..." you laughed awkwardly.

"OH! RIGHT!" he stood up and quickly looked around his room to find your clothes. "Here they are-oh..." he did find them but they were torn beyond repair, "s-sorry..."

"It's ok," you smiled reassuringly, "geez, we must have gone at it pretty hard huh?" you tried lightening the mood.

"Haha..yeah..." he blushed but chuckled, "you're not hurt, are you?" like a switch, he went back into a panicky state.

"U-uh no!" you blurted but then winced feeling a bit of soreness.

"Oh no you ARE hurt!" he panicked even more, "aw crap what did I do!? do you need some medicine!? Should I take you to the doctor!? DID I USE A CONDOM!?" the realization hit him and the poor guy went into a nervous breakdown.

"Wha-" like lightning, you saw him zip around the room searching for a condom packet, "Hey it's ok calm down..." you tried to relax him.

"I can't! What if I got you pregnant!? Do I need to get a morning-after pill?! That's it, in taking you to the clinic!" he came to a resolution.

"Huh? What-AH!" in a fraction of a second you were dressed in an oversized t-shirt and shorts.

"Hold on!" he warned as he got ready to bolt out of the room.

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