When You're Clumsy

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*Requested by: BIBIBobaTEA*

Katsuki Bakugo

"Why the hell do I have to go out with you?" Grumbled Bakugo while he carried all your shopping bags.

"Uh, I don't know cause it's one of the most basic requirements of a boyfriend?" You rolled your eyes while looking through a rack of clothes. 

"Ok so,  choose, U-dip or keyhole?" You asked while holding up two shirts.

"How bout neither, both of them show off your cutting board you call a chest..." He admitted. 

"can you like...not be a dick for like 10 minutes?" You deadpanned.

"The hell did you ask my opinion for then!?" He growled after seeing your upset face.

"Because I thought getting an opinion from the guy I love wouldn't involve my self-esteem dropping any lower than it already is!" You cried and aggressively hung up the two shirts then ran away

 "Goddamn it..." He grumbled in regret, "Hey, don't you walk away from me!"

"Leave me alone you jackass-Ah!" You accidentally bumped into someone while running away from him, "Oh, I'm so sorry!" You looked up and saw that it was a mannequin. 

"Hahahahaha! " Laughed Bakugo.

"Oh, your just a mannequin, sorry" You apologized again in embarrassment. 

"You're still talking to it you clutz! Hahahahaha!" He continued to laugh.

"I'm going home forever..." you blushed in embarrassment, "and I'm never talking to you again..."

"Aw stop being so damn sensitive..." He sighed and grabbed your hand, "and come over here..."

"Ah, hey what are you doing you jerk!?" you complained as he dragged you to a different clothing store. 

"taking you to get some real clothes..." He grumbled while throwing out all your shopping bags. 

"Hey!" You cried, "Those were expensive!"

"Well, it's your fault for buying trash..." He took you to a different store then seemingly took some close-up at random and threw you in the dressing room. 

"Whoa!" you squeaked, "What the hell dude!?"

"Shut up ad put it on!" He ordered. 

"Fuckin jackass..." You grumbled while begrudgingly put on the outfit he picked up for you. "Oh wow..." you gawked at how cute you looked. 

"You done yet!?" He banged n the dor. 

"Yeah yeah..." You blushed while stepping out, "Why the hell did you pick this out for me?"

"Cause you have no sense of fashion!" He glared, "you try to focus on stupid assets like your bland ass boobs when anyone with eyes knows your ass gets the most attention..."

"I- wait did you just compliment my ass?" You smirked.

"N-No way!" He blushed in realization, "why would anyone find your ugly ass attractive?"

"Oh my gosh... you're into asses..." You gave a teasing smirk.

"Don't get so full of yourself you cow!"

"Ok fine, I'll just try on these shorts next..." 

"Don't you fuckin dare!" He tried grabbing it from you but you held it high and out of pure stubbornness he tackled you. 

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