Family Moments pt. 6👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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Izuku Midoriya
*Putting on clothes 👖*

"And then we put on your little beanie cause it's gettin' chilly..." you gushed as you finished getting your son dressed for your day out. "Now your ready for our adventure!" you smiled as he giggled.

"Yay! Let's go!" Your son was relatively easy to change, he loved going out so he was always happy to get dressed.

"Hey Cinnabon, you all done getting D/n..."

Your daughter on the other hand was a different challenge.

"COME ON SWEETIE JUST PUT YOUR PANTS ON!" yelled your husband as he chased his daughter around the room.

"Freedom!" she screamed while dodging her father as he leaped to tackle her but she was too quick for him.

"...need some help?" you asked him knowingly.

Your daughter was pretty stubborn so you could understand his frustration.

"No I got it..." he said in determination then grabbed one of your daughter's dresses.

"...One for All! Full cowl!" he yelled while activating his quirk.

In an instant, your daughter was caught and fully dressed.

"Wha-No fair!" cried your daughter, "you cheated!" she stopped But then your husband picked her up and took up her jacket on the way out.

"Told ya," he smiled at your deadpanned face and kissed your cheek, "ready to go?"

"Yeah..." you puffed your cheeks in annoyance,

"What? You upset cause I could do it faster?" He gloated.

"You do everything fast, that's why we had 2 kids 6 months apart..." you fired.

"Wha?" He blushed.

"Oof-" said your son walking in, already dressed, "I dunno what that means but I'm sure daddy just took an L."

"The biggest L..." you gushed while picking him up and kissing his cheek.

"Come on kids, time to go..." you smiled snuggly and walked out, leaving your husband in disbelief.

"Don't worry daddy, you'll get her eventually..." his daughter patted him reassuringly then left to go follow you and her brother.

Katsuki Bakugo
*breakfast time!😊*

"Oh shit we're late, we're late!" You panicked while running downstairs in your hero costume.

"Hi mommy!" Smiled your daughter by the counter eating breakfast prepared by your 10 year old son.

"Morning mom, breakfast?" Greeted your son in the kitchen.

He was wearing an apron and scrambling eggs on the stove. Usually Bakugo made breakfast and you would normally make dinner then alternate every week. This time to day in particular both you and your husband woke up late...because you two were...*ahem* tired... from last night (from hero duties of course!).

"Sorry baby but your father and I are running late for work." You apologized while fixing your suit and looking for your keys.

"Aw at least try some of my (pancakes/waffles), I made it from scratch." He pleaded and since you were putty in your kids hands you rushed back in the kitchen  and bit into one of the waffles that had been stacked up on a plate.

"Oh alright just one, bye baby-whoa!" You stopped in your tracks as soon as you tasted the food. "You made this?" You looked at your son in disbelief.

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