Izuku Mydoriya - He Time Travels (1/6)

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He time travels to a time before you met each other.

How did he time travel you might ask?

Todoroki messed up the spell.

Izuku Mydoriya

Shei-Pa, Taiwan

Age 9

"Huh? Where am I?" Asked Midoriya as he suddenly woke up in a mountainous forest. 

"How did I get here?" He scratted his head trying to figure everything out. Lost and confused, he started walking around to find some sort of civilization.

After walking for a couple of hours, he finally sat down under a tree and started to wonder if he would be lost there forever.

"*sniffle*...." He then heard the faintest cry from a young girl, which thoroughly freaked him out considering he was in the forest presumably by himself. 

He was about to get up and leave but he felt bad because if there really was indeed a little girl crying and not just his imagination or a spirit, then she might be lost and scared just like him.

So he followed her voice.

It didn't take long, he found her in a hollowed-out tree trunk, huddling with her hands covering her ears and her knees pulled up to her face, you cried.

"...I'm sorry....I'm so sorry..." You cried holding yourself tighter.

"Uh....hey..." Called Midoriya causing you to curl up tighter in pain. "Are you ok?"

"Huh?" You looked up at him and that's when he recognized you, "Y/n?" He asked in shock.

"Yo-you know who I am?" You asked confused because you hadn't seen him before, only heard him walk around the mountain.

"Wha- it is you!" He shouted causing you to cover your ears again.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry." He whispered, it still hurt but less. "Where are your earmuffs?"

He was so surprised to see you, especially so young, you looked around 8 or 9 and you were wearing more traditional clothing.

"W-What are you doing out here? Where are we? Why do we look so young...?" He kept asking questions freaking you out considering you never even met the boy or anyone for that matter because you practically grew up on the mountain.

"Who....are you, mister?" You asked instead of answering him. you'd never seen him before, but he was awfully cute, and the way he was concerned about you didn't hide your blush either. 

"Huh? What do you mean? It's me Mydoriya, your boyfriend?" He said while blushing at  what he just said.

"Gran-Gran!" You quickly got out of the tree trunk and ran away from him.

"Huh? Hey, wait!" He followed trying to convince you he knew you.

"Y/n wait up!" He called using his quirk to catch up with you, causing you to stop and jump back in fear and intrigue.

"Whoa, your super fast for a pervert." You said eyeing him skeptically.

"Wha- I'm not a pervert, I really am your boyfriend, we go to U.A together, don't you remember?"

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