Family Moments: Money💵

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*Deleting Later*

How you and the kids get money out of him

Izuku Midoriya
Daughter (13) and Son (12)

They just ask.

"Hey dad, I need a new soccer uniform." Your daughter said while eating her breakfast.

"Yeah, sure" he casually took out his wallet.

"Thanks dad!" She beamed.

He's not very stingy with money. If you all want it, most times you just ask.

"Hey Dad, do you think I could get some new roller blades?" Asked your son.

"Of course!" He smiled and handed him some cash.

"Sweet! Thanks dad!"

Your kids were well behaved and understood the value of money, so it wasn't an issue for him to splurge on his kids once in a while.

The other times he just gives you money for no reason.

"Hey y/n, why don't you take a break today?" He handed you his credit card.

"Cinnabon..." you sweat nervously, "I love you but if I take that card you'll wanna divorce me..."

"What?" He laughed, "no way, just go and have fun!"

Of course you had money too but something feels different about spending money that's not your own. Especially when it's someone as sweet and innocent as your husband.

"Welll...." You quickly snatched it and ran to your car while simultaneously calling your friends for a girls day.

Katsuki Bakugo
Son (7) and daughter (3)

"Gimme the damn wallet you cheapskate!" You wrestled your husband for his wallet.

"Not a chance in hell you gold digging hag!" He yelled while body slamming you on the bed and held you in a head lock.

"Ack- you damn stingy bastard!" You couldn't get out of his hold.

"Hehe, like hell I'd let you take my money..." he smirked smugly.

"I...I..." you choked out but then smirked, "I'm not the one you should worry about..."

"Huh?" His eyes widened when he looked down and saw his toddler daughter climbed onto the nightstand, took his wallet and giddily stuck her tongue out at her father.

"HEY!" He glared as she ran away.

"I got it mommy let's go!" She giggled while running out of the room and down the hall.

"Get back here-" you elbowed him in the face, got free and ran away with her daughter.

*beep! Beep!* your son honked from his fathers car where he waited for you.

"Did you get it?" He asked hopefully.

"Heck yeah we did!" You daughter triumphantly smiled while holding up the card as he strapped her in.

Having no time, You jumped through the drivers side window, strapped in and drove off before your husband could catch you.

You and your kids had an awsome day out.

That was until Bakugo cancelled his cards.

Shoto Todoroki
Twin son & daughter (7)

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