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Izuku Midoriya

"Serve!" you spiked the ball over the net. You were playing pool volley ball with Midoriya, Ida and Uraraka.

"Ha!" Grunted Uraraka as she tried balancing on Ida's shoulders and hit the ball back over on your side with such intensity that it threw you off on Midoriya's shoulders when you tried serving it back.

"Whoa!" You and Midoriya both screamed as you submerged into the pool.

"You guys ok!?" Asked Uraraka as Midoriya was the only one to stand up from the fall.

"Yeah, we're alright!" He reassured after seeing you peek your head out from the water.

"Ummm Midoriya?" Your face flushed with embarrassment. "Could you...help me with something?"

"Yeah sure what is i-" He stopped as you quickly wrapped yourself around his back covering your bare chest. His eyes immediately reddened.

"M-My top fell off...on the other side of the pool...could you please...."

"Y-Yeah...s-su-sure, n-no problem!" He tried walking but you held onto him tighter.

"W-Wait! You can't just leave me here....I have to come with you..."

Not trusting his own voice he nodded and walked slowly over to your bikini top with you clenching his back.

When you finally reached the top you quickly grabbed it and put it on.

"...um...thanks." You blushed avoiding his eyes.

"No problem." He quickly responded.

"Hey! Come on guys, we're going out to eat!" Waved Uraraka with Ida already out of the pool.

"R-right! Coming!" You birth said at the same time causing your cheeks to brighten simultaneously.

The rest of the day was spent with the two of you awkwardly periodically looking over at each other and blushing Immediately after making eye contact.

Katsuki Bakugou

"Ahhh, such a beautiful day!" You smiled finally looking out onto the beach after finished setting up your spot on the beach.

"What the hell are you wearing!?" You had finally taken off your sun dress revealing your swim suit much to Bakugou's surprise.

"A swim suit? The hell does it look like?" you raised an eye brow confused at his reddening face, was it of anger or embarrassment?

"Wha-What the-hey!" You complained as he forced his shirt on you to cover you up.

"Keep this on and don't take it off!" He growled.

"Screw you! You're not my brothers!" You tried frantically taking it off but the zipper was stuck.

"Of course Im not one of your lame ass brothers!"

"Just get me outta this thing!"

"No way."

"But I wanna go swimming!" You cried.

"Should have thought about that before you decided to dress like that!"

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