Celebrity AU - Hawks

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Up Next (In no particular order): 

Celebrity AU

You cook for him

Fairy tale AU

You Hang out with his family/friends

*Requests are still open (Pls DM me so I'll see it)*

This was way too long to put him with the rest of them, so here's Hawk's scenario and I'll post the rest later this week. 


Keigo Takami (Hawks)


"Woo Hoo! My shift's over, I'm out!" Called B/f taking off her apron and throwing it like a basketball over the counter.

"Wha- but you didn't finish your last table." You said nervously serving your table.

"No my problem anymore! See you later babe!" She waved goodbye.

"Ugh..." You sulked solemnly while frantically trying to pick up for B/f.

You had been working there a month now but you still didn't completely have the hang of things. After moving to a new city to start a new life, B/f got you this job to help you get on your feet after your parents cut you off. You wanted to become a singer while they wanted you to become a housewife to some rich guy to strengthen the family's wealth. When you declined, they said you would have to make your own way without them, so that's what you did.

"This isn't what I ordered." Said the customer you just set a cup of coffee beside.

"O-Oh, I'm so sorry!" You bowed and blushed nervously. Then looked around to remember who had actually ordered the coffee.

"Over here." Lucky for you, the customer raised his hand to help you out.

Sighing in relief, you quickly took the coffee over to him, "here you go sir, sorry for the mixup," you bowed.

"Its no problem, first day?" He asked looking you up and down, he came here often and had not seen you around before, but that was also because you had the evening shift and he normally came during the afternoon. 

"K-Kinda, more like the first month..." You blushed when he gave a soft chuckle, "Um, c-can I get you anything else?"

"Yeah, I'll get the Takoyaki and your number...if that's ok." He smirked. That's when you realized how attractive he was. He had a few papers scattered on the table with a couple of notes on them, some contained song notes, but the one he was currently working on, looked like music lyrics,  however, currently looked stuck on something.

"W-what?" You panicked a bit, "U-Umm, so sorry sir, I'm afraid that's not on our menu." You joked back, "but I can get you some extra Takoyaki if that's alright."

"Sorry, but nothing can fill the hole in my stomach and my heart like the phone number from a beautiful woman." He swooned overdramatically causing you to chuckle. 

"I can get you a side of soy sauce and an extra coffee, can that fill the hole at least just a little?" You taunted causing him to laugh again. 

"Haha, figures, someone like you wouldn't go out with a deadbeat huh?." He said while eyeing your wrist. "But I gotta ask, what's someone like you doing at a dingy little place like this?"

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