Forming A Family 2.5 (Your kids)

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I honestly don't know when I'll be able to finish The Makeup pt.2, so in the meantime here are some more fillers so you guys won't hate me. 

Izuku Midoriya

Firstborn: Daughter (4)

She loves you both very much, but takes on more of Izuku's tendencies, meaning she's reckless and very calculative in what she does, she's an excellent manipulator. 

Second born: Son (1)

He's a lot like you, but since he can't speak yet to show you how much he loves you, he usually just cries until you either pick him up or acknowledge his existence. 

You're Putty in Their Hands

"Mommy, can we have Katsudon for dinner?" Pleaded your daughter.

"Oh but honey we already had that 3 nights in a -" She showed you her puppy dog eyes, and it didn't help either that both your children inherited your husbands big and adorable eyes. 

"But I guess you're not tired of it yet so Katsudon it is!...for the 4th damn time in a row..." You sighed getting up from the table after helping her with her homework, to the kitchen.

"WAAA! WAAA!" Cried your son on the couch being cradled by your husband trying to calm him but you knew that he'll only be calm if you were the one holding him.

"I hear you!" You shouted at him which stopped his crying, but only for a moment. "ugh! Gimme my baby Midoriya." You sighed putting down the rice cooker. 

"I'll take care of dinner." He reassured handing your son over and kissing you on the cheek. 

"Thanks." You smiled hushing your son. 

"This what you wanted huh? You satisfied?" You glared jokingly making him laugh. "Oh, so you enjoy tormenting me I see." 

"Hey y/n instead of Katsudon Ill make us some (your favorite food)?"

"Literally anything could be better than Katsudon!"

"Aw, mommy? You don't like Katsudon?" Asked your daughter.

"I-I do sweetie, I just don't like it all the time."

"Blasphemy!" She shouted standing up on the table and pointing at you accusingly. 


"Alright, no more studying for you." Midoriya went over to her and closed all her books.

"Aw but daddy!"

"No butts unless it's yours in the kitchen helping me cook." He said cutting her off.

"Can it be Katsu-"

"Nope." He said plopping her on the counter. You signed in relief as your husband had taken the reigns and cooked a wonderful meal along with your daughter.  

Katsuki Bakugou

Firstborn: Son (7) S/n

Growing up, he's become accustomed to your fights with Bakugou and understand that the two of you are too stubborn to admit your feelings for each other, even after getting married and having two kids. He's pretty chill and loves spending time with you the most since your the most affectionate and the more calm one out of the two of you. 

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