*One-Shot* Shouta Aizawa - His Little Prodigy

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*Requested by: starwarslover_13*

A/N: I might turn this one-shot into a series, I kinda got too invested XD

Mom's name - M/n

Dad's name - D/n

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa!" Greeted the class to their tired teacher. 

"Ok class, take your seats: He sighed taking out a marker to write on the board. it was supposed to be a normal day at school, Aizawa just wanted to teach his class and go home to sleep, but apparently the universe said 'Nah, fam'. 

"Today we will be-"

A loud blast was head a couple of rooms away, startling class 1A. It sent them in an even bigger panic when you came flying through the wall. 

"AH!" They all panicked but Aizawa stayed in his usual stoic and bored tone. 

"I'm ok! I'm ok!" You quickly stood up.  

"Are you sure?" Asked Aizawa walking up to you but as soon as you two saw each other both your eyes widened. 


"U-uncle Aizawa?" Snapping out of his semi-shocked state he asked again, "are you alright?"

"Huh? O-oh yeah!" You smiled nervously while knocking the helmet you had on. "U-um Hatsume and I were working on new cherry bombs," You laughed nervously "A little less gun powder, Mei!" 

"KAY!" She shouted back from the numerous holes in the walls you flew from into the support room you were just blasted from. 

"I see I'm disturbing your class, s-sorry about t-that." You stuttered nervously after waving sheepishly at his class. "I-I'll g-go now..." You said cautiously stepping through the hole you came from. 

"..." Aizawa just watcher you as you left to go back to the workshop. 

"Um...Mr. Aizawa?" Asked Iida seeing him still in his trance well after you left. 

"Oh Right, moving on with today's lesson..." 

The rest of the day played out normally but he couldn't stop thinking about you. How long had it been since you two met? 

He was so surprised to see you so happy and friendly. It was shocking, to say the least, but he was so happy to see you, he wanted to tell you to join him for lunch so you could catch up but you were already gone. 

A couple of days later he figured out that you were accepted into UA a few months ago and that you were in the support class. Your scores on your assignments were exceptional but your test scores were lacking and leaving much to be desired. 

Later, he found you after one of your classes and asked you to see him at lunch. 

"O-Oh sure..." You said feeling anxious. 

Did you do something wrong?  

"...so you're a UA student now?..." Lunch was...very awkward to say the least. 

"..." You just fumbled with your fingers and nodded sheepishly. 

"Why are you so quiet? Is something the matter?" He always knew you were a shy kid growing up but you were never like that around him.

"I-I'm kind of nervous..." You chucked, "I didn't think you'd wanna spend time with me uncle Aizawa, you always look so tired."

"I've always been tired, you know that, but that's not gonna stop me from wanting to talk to you." He shrugged sitting back in his chair. You were in his office eating lunch, he bought you your favorite food and you greatly appretiated it but because of your nerves from not seeing him in years that you could barely eat it. 

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