Baby! 👶

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Prompt: "Babe...I want a baby!"

Izuku Midoriya


"You heard me..." you smirked.

"B-But that's stage 7!" he rambled while pulling out his notebook, "we aren't even married yet, we haven't even gone through stage 5 where we get a pet first!"

"Common it'll be fun!" you gushed while tickling his ear with your mouth.

"B-But I haven't even taken care of a baby before!" he stuttered as his face grew brighter.

"You got the experience though with taking care of kids..." you slowly unzipped his hero costume, "remember when you used to take care of Eri?" you gushed.


"...and Kota?" your smork grew, "...and Katsuma...face it'd be the perfect daddy..." you kissed his neck.

"I guess I would..." he couldn't take it anymore, "I guess you could start trying for a-WHOA!" and just like that, you whisked him away to your shared bedroom to get to work.

And you sure as hell worked pretty hard that night.


"Oh she's so cute!" gushed Inko while holding your daughter.

"Yeah mom she is..." he laughed nervously, "can we have her back now?"

"Wha-but I just got her!" she whined, "you don't want your baby to bond with her grandmother!?" she asked tearfully.

"You've been bonding with her for 4 days, please give her back Ms. Inko!" you pleaded.

You only wanted Inko to babysit your daughter over the weekend because the two of you had a lot of your work to get done and would not be able to take care of her. But now Inko had grown too attached and is basically holding your daughter hostage.

"Oh just one more day?" she pleaded, "you guys could take the night off and relax while I take care of her!" she tried bargaining, "you can even get started on a second baby!"

"Mom!" blushed Izuku.

"Ms. Inko!" you gasped.

"Just one more night!" she cried, "I'll bring her over in the morning! I promise!"

"Well..." Midoriya looked over at you for your final decision.

"...fine..." you sighed in defeat.

"Yay!" she beamed.

"But if she's not at my door by 8AM then were not coming over anymore for family dinner!" you threatened which caused Inko to gasp in horror.

"Y-You have my word!"

You did not in fact have her word because The next day you had to sneak in her apartment and kidnap your baby back.

Katsuki Bakugo

"The fuck you do!" He jumped away from you.

"Put a baby in me you idiot!" you glared while hiding your blush.

"AW HELL NO!" he blushed, "i don't want no snot-nosed little demon! Especially not with you!"

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