Meeting (at school)

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Izuku Midoriya

It was a quiet and peaceful afternoon. Rather than eating in the cafeteria with everyone, you sat outside under a tree wearing your (favorite color f/c) earmuffs. This confused the green haired boy as he stopped while running late to lunch.

Who were you and why were you eating outside all alone?

Why were you wearing ear muffs? 

It was a calm and sunny afternoon, the most that disturbed the silence was the wind and the occasional birds chirping.

He watched you intently causing a shiver to go up your spine. You turned around seeing the green haired boy watching you blankly, enveloped in his own mind.

You took off your earmuffs to address him.

"Umm, excuse me, can I help you?" 

He jumped realizing he had been caught staring.

"O-oh, I'm sorry, it's just... I've never seen you before... I was thinking maybe you were new and that you seemed lost... I WASN'T TRYING TO BE CREEPY OR ANYTHING!" 

You cringed holding your ear in pain at his loud voice.

"Are you hurt? I'm sorry..." He apologized for his awkwardness scratching the back of his neck while stretching his hand out to you.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya of class 1A."

You noticed his warm dorky smile and mirrored it, "Y/n L/n of class 2A."

Immediately after saying that, his face went pale, "Y-you're an upper classmen!?" He blurted making you cringe again.

"Umm, yeah..." It was your turn to laugh nervously.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I mean you look so young and you're shorter than me... I assumed you were in my grade, not to insult you or anything!" He yelled again in nervousness causing your sensitive ears to hurt again, giving Midoriya another reason to blurt his apologies.

"It's ok, I get that a lot, I was home-schooled by a pro-hero and got registered a class up because of a recommendation."

"Oh wow, that's really cool." He smiled in wonderment guessing how amazing your quirk could be to get admitted just by a recommendation like his friends Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. Before he could ask you what kind of quirk you had you spoke up first.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Izuku." You placed back on your earmuffs and stood up. "But I gotta get to class..."

"Uh but the bell hasn't-" He ate his words as the bell sounded that lunch was over and class was about to begin.

"See you around Izuku!" She smiled waving goodbye.

He smiled nervously and waved back, "Bye!...y/n..."

Katsuki Bakugou

"We'll save a seat for you y/n!" Smiled your friend as she finished getting her lunch tray.

"Kay!" You waved and continued to collect your lunch.

With the various options from the U.A cafeteria y/n didn't know what to choose for lunch you were more of a sweets person so when your eyes caught on your favorite dessert at the end of the canteen line you rushed passed the other indecisive students in front of you, much to their dismay but most of them were preoccupied in choosing what lunch they wanted.

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