Kinky Winky😉

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I was gonna post a cute scenario but I thought of this halfway through😭😂

Prompt: The morning after👀 (18+)

Izuku Midoriya

He woke up before you and blushed remembering last nights events. Getting up from he bed, he quietly tucked you back in to let you sleep and left to go get some breakfast.

"Hm? Oh Izuku!" Smiled inko from the pitching, "good morning sweetheart!"

"Morning mom..." he greeted meekly then went to the fridge.

"Did you sleep well? Sorry I came home so late, the girls and I were having a little too much fun at game night and the time just flew by, haha!" she giggled.

"Oh it's no problem." he smiled and took out the milk, "I had y/n to..." he paused, "...keep me company..." he awkwardly shuffled to the cabinet for a bowl, turning his back to her.

"Oh that's wonderful, I'm glad you two had FUN!?" she gasped when she saw her son's bare back.

He was only in some shorts, he looked normal from the front with scars from training and fighting... But his back...

It was covered in fresh marks... Fresh...scratches.

"Huh? Mom what's wrong!?" he panicked seeing her so dazed.

"N-Nothing!" she blushed and tried laughing it off, "I uh just drank my tea too fast! That's it! It just burnt my tongue a little!" she lied.

"*yawn* morning..." you walked in fully dressed in Modoriya's clothes, shorts and an oversized tee.

"Hey y/n..." he smiled warmly at you.

"Good Morning Y/n!" shouted Inko nervously, "care for so.e tea!?" she quickly poured you a cup.

"I-Oh...thank you Ms. Inko..." you smiled awkwardly. You looked at your boyfriend but he just gave you an equally confused look and a shrug.

You graciously took the cup and took a sip as Midoyiya turned back around to grab a spoon.

"PPPPPPPFFFFFTTTTTT!" you spit out and choked on your tea from the shock.

"Y/n you ok!?" Midoriya worried.

"Y-yeah!" you blushed, "this tea is just a little too hot..." you lied.

"You guys gotta be more careful..." he chuckled.

Katsuki Bakugo

You were asleep, bodies intertwined underneath a warm blanket. It was a perfectly peaceful morning and Bakugo wanted to keep it that way.

So when he woke up before you, he didn't move to let you rest a few more minutes.

That all almost changed when his mother crept in quietly and tiptoed to his nightstand.

"H-" he was about to tell at her when she gave him a look that said 'if you wake her up I'll make sure to end your lineage...'

So he remained silent (fearfully) and watched as Mitsuki refilled his empty box with extra condoms.

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