Going to Your House

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*Slightly edited*

Going to Your House

Izuku Midoriya

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Gotta be faster than that boy!" Laughed Gran Torino as he trained Midoriya during is hero internship program.

"R-right!" Cried Izuku as he was kicked into the wall next to the front door that had just been opened.

"Morning grandpa! Sorry I left so early without telling you, gran-gran wanted me at her shop to help her with a few things." You walked in apologizing to Gran Torino for leaving home without telling him.

"Gran-gran let me out for lunch so I wanted to stop by, I bought your favourite." You smiled holding the bag of Taiyaki but stopped as soon as you saw the green haired boy.

"Aw, y/n thank you, here, come meet the boy I'm interning." Recovering from his recent attack Izuku could finally notice you walking in.

"Mydoriya, meet my granddaughter y/n." Gran Torino introduced, much to the shock of both of you.

"Mydoriya? You're grandpa's intern!?"

"Your Gran Torino's granddaughter!?"

"You're the U.A student he's interning instead of me!?" You shouted semi salty that he was the reason your grandpa wouldn't be able to train you and made you work at your grandmother's shop instead.

"Oh, you two know each other?" He asked innocently like he didn't know you had been talking about him all the time.

"Yeah, grandpa, I told you about him before, remember, Mydoryia?" You tried jogging his memory.

"Oh right! You talk about him all the time!" You blushed as he blurted that out.

"N-Not all the time, just occasionally!" You tried saving your dignity trying to convince Izuku.

"Yeah, I'm starting to remember now you also talk about him while-"

"Ok! Bye grandpa, its lunch time so I'm gonna take Midoriya around town!" You hurriedly pushed Izuku out the door.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do-"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" you screamed slamming to save what was left of your dignity.

"I'm sorry about him, I can only imagine the amount of pain you've been through in one of his training sessi-" You stopped noticing intense stare at you.

"Uhh...you ok?" You waved a hand in his face snapping him out of his mind.

"O-oh, yea, sorry, I just, had no idea you're Gran Torino's granddaughter, it's kind of hard to believe-" he froze realizing that he was insulting you, "Not like that's a bad thing I just didn't think Gran Torino had any children because he's so reserved and you didn't inherit his quirk or even a part of it so I just thought that-"



"You like Katsudon?"


"Let's go." You dragged him off to calm his nervousness down with some food.

After you two had lunch you walked him through the town so he could be more familiar with the area like you promised earlier.

While walking you also explained to him how you never met my parents and lived with your grandmother (gran-gran) until you were 10, then moved to the city with your grandfather where he taught you how to be a hero and as a result got you bumped up a grade when you applied for U.A.

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