You Annoy Him

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Izuku midoriya

He had never thought in his life that he would find anyone as nerdish and as big an otaku as he was. That was until he met you.

"You have the limited edition Allmigt figurine from his golden age!?" He gawked at your display case.

"Yep, waited 16 hours in the rain for that one..." You gloated.

"AND You have his poster from his silver age!?" He gasped, "Not even Sir Night Eye has that! How did you get your hands on it!?"

"Yeah...him and I aren't on speaking for how I got it... let's just say there's a reason he wears glasses..." you looked away awkwardly.

"Oh, NO WAY!" This memorabilia pissed him off more than anything else, "You got Allmight's nighttime jammies!?" He saw a picture of you as a kid, wearing All might pajamas, "I thought those were a myth, there was only 1 ever custom made! How did you get it!?"

"It was a birthday gift from uncle All Might, he sent it to me while I was still in Taiwan." you shrugged.

"What!?" He cried.

Even though he found all your collectibles cool, he couldn't help but feel a little jealous that you had all these collectibles when you weren't as big of an All Might fan as he was.

_Later that Evening_

"Hi Cinnabon, I made you onigiri for lunch!" you smiled while handing him the bento while outside Night Eye's agency.

"Aw, Thanks Y/n." He blushed.

"Have fun at..." You recognized the building as Sir Nighteye stepped outside.

"Hey, sir Night Eye." You looked him up and down.

"Y/n..." He glared.

"'ve grown lost time we met, did your integrity grow as well?" He roasted.

"Still not over it I see..." you smirked.

"I had my hands on it first you thieving brat!" He went off.

"And you let a 9-year-old punk you?" you snickered.

"How would it look for a grown man to be fighting a little girl in a store?" He rolled his eyes.

"Not any better than a grown man that got his ass handed to him by a little girl..." Your smirk never wavered.

"You little-" He restrained himself from going off on you.

Taking a deep breath, he straightened his suit and fixed his glasses, "you know what, your not worth it...Come Midoriya, let's go, we've go actual hero work to attend to."

"And I've got an all might platinum figure to polish with wax..." You teased.

"You so much as get a drop of wax on that perfect figure and ill make you pay!" He threatened, going off yet again.

"Don't let her get to you, sir!" Cried Midoriya while holding him back, "she's just trying to get under our skin..."

They both glared at you threateningly while walking into the building. You simply gave an innocent wave with the most teasing smirk. Making them feel uneasy the rest of the day.

Katsuki Bakugo
Late-night texting

"Wyd?" you texted.

"I'm just about to come over there and knock you out if you send another damn text!" he replied.

"Aw don't be like that babe, I was just wondering how your day went 🥰" the text sounded loving but in reality, he could feel your insidious smirk behind it.

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