He gets mad (Combined)

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Izuku Mydoria

*I dug myself in a hole with this scenario for him*

"Your arm's busted again?" You sighed in annoyance.

"haha...yeah..sorry" He chuckled nervously.

"I kinda see aunt recovery girl's anger with you."

"It's like every week with you, are you trying to kill me!?" You worry too much for him.

"No, I'm sorry y/n-"

"Save it." You growled while wrapping his arm, "that's it from now on your stay at my side until your arm is healed, and no jumping nose first into every life and death situation that you keep getting yourself into!"

"Ok-Ok I get it." He sighed a bit annoyed with your nagging.

"Was that a sigh? D-did you just sigh at me!?" you asked a little irritated.


You then scoffed, "Well excuse me for worrying over you, it'll never happen again." you rolled your eyes then went to your next class pissed. 

When the last class ended Izuku noticed that you left so quickly you forgot your notebook, he was still upset with you and so were you with him but he still wanted to to do the right thing. 

"Hey grand Torino, is Y/n home?"

"Nah, she's over at her grandmother's, says she never wants to look at another man again..." He chuckled letting you in, "something tells me you two had a falling out?"

"You got that right..." He sighed.

"Its just...why are men so stubborn!?" You cried to your grandmother. 

"Child I've been married 55 years and I ask myself the same thing, its best to just swear off men forever." Laughed your Gran-gran. 

"Yeah but I do really care about y/n and the things she does or me, she actually cares..." Sighed Mydoriya, " ...but sometimes..."

"He just drives me crazy sometimes, he's always getting hurt! and it's so annoying!"

"Welcome to my world kid, life isn't easy and men are going to drive you crazy, especially the ones you love. "

"Did you and Y/n's grandma fight often?" Asked Midoriya.

"Oh  all the time, she was a real firecracker that one, she still is...." He laughed, "The crazy old bat..."

"So, what's my option now? wWhat do I do, I still love him but I can't keep worrying about him if he's going to keep breaking his promises.

"Child I've had the same issue with your grandfather for decades, he'd always be out on missions and always come back a mess, dripping blood all over my damn carpet...haha..." your grandma laughed to herself, "Once I told him, you come in my house like that again and I'm kicking you out, haha..."

"So what did you do after that?" You asked intrigued.

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