The Hero Licencing Exam

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Thanks for all the requests! :D

I'm working on all of them now so in the meantime here's what I promised.

This is 4600 words btw o_o

During the Hero Licencing Exam

Izuku Midoriya

**You and Bkugou's scenario are a bit intertwined**

"Are you as giddy as I am y/n!?" Asked Midoriya after seeing your shivering form step off the bus.

"Y-Yeah, just a bit nervous." You squeaked. "It's all kind of scary really, it's almost barbaric the way we have to get our licenses, it's not fair to every hero with different quirks."

"I guess you're right, but I guess that's what drives everyone to do their best, they'll always be someone more skilled than you."

"You're always so full of words of wisdom, that's how I know you'll be a great hero"

"Class 2A of U.A. let's move!" Called your teacher.

"I gotta go, see you on the inside." You kissed him on the cheek making him blush then rushed to catch up with your class.



The other students didn't know what hit them, you were so fast, of course, you were you were the granddaughter of Grand Torino after all, he had taught you all his moves which proved to be useful in the first round.

"That all you got!? Hahahahahaha!"

You stood triumphantly towering over your fallen enemies from other schools while Midoriya watched in horror. When you said that you felt bad, you forgot to mention that you were sorrowful for the trampled bodies you pummelled in your walk to victory.

"You gotta be faster than that!"

And that is how Midoriya learned to never challenge you to anything ever.

~2nd half~

"Alright! A rescue mission!" Your beamed, you did enjoy fighting but it wasn't something you liked doing all the time, also your quirk works best on rescue missions.

You enjoyed saving more than fighting, a statement that would be hard to convince anyone considering what you just did during the first round.

"Let's work together in this round, kay Midoriya?" Your innocent smile didn't fool him, he could never look at you the same way again.

"Y-yeah, s-sure." He stuttered.

"Why are you acting so nervous?" You asked concerned.

"O-oh its n-nothing!" He blushed.

"You're not scared for what I did in the last round are you?" You laughed nervously. "I'm still the same y/n..." your warm smile eased him but not completely.

"I know, it's really surprised me back there, I want to apologize for subconsciously doubting you."

"Midoriya, your too sweet there's no need for you to apologize, besides, its kind of a good thing that you underestimated me, that means my stealth skills are perfect."

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