Forming a Family

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Forming a Family

Sorry for being over a week late, mid-terms are coming up soon.

So here are some mini random scenarios of how you and the guys have a family years later.

Izuku Midoriya


He was getting more and more awkward around you. Whenever you'd hold his hand he'd tense up, whenever you cuddled on the couch he shivered, and whenever you kissed him he'd blush brighter than usual, at first you thought he was just catching a cold but then after he started coming home later and later on hero missions you were getting awfully suspicious.

"Come on, you and I both know Deku doesn't have the heart to cheat, you don't have anything to worry about y/n" You were on the phone with Uraraka while you were trailing Izuku on his hero duty on patrol, you had the day off because you were 'sick' and wanted to stay home.

"I guess your right..."

"Ok, good, now get some rest, I'm going out so I'll see you later."

"Ok bye. Talk to you later." You hung up and sighed, what were you thinking? Midoriya was way too much of a gentleman to ever hurt you in any sort of way, it would go against his own moral compass for him to cheat. Maybe Uraraka was ...a lying ass bitch!

Just as you were about to turn and go back home you saw your boyfriend and Uraraka both out of hero costumes (don't ask how they changed so fast) and walking into a store.

"This better not be what I think it is..." You growled following closely behind them. You had always been suspicious of Uraraka over the years, though she was your best friend you knew she once had a crush on Deku back in high school.

"Oh this is so cute!" Smile Uraraka.

"R-Really? Then I'm glad I'm finished paying for it, I've been hiding my overtime checks from Y/n for months just to get it", you couldn't exactly see what she was referring to but it didn't matter, you heard enough.

"I knew it." You made yourself seen shocking the two of them.

"Well that's great, we won't have to hide it anymore."

"Y-Y/n!? W-what are you doing here?"

"Don't you stutter at me!" You were already crying, "I always knew you liked her but I never thought you'd string me along this long!"

"What? No, Y/n you've got it all wron-"

"Was it fun...dragging me along?" you clenched your head phones refusing to look or hear what he had to say and left to go home and pack.

"Wait Y/n!" he called.

"Y/n Please just listen!" you weren't you just continued to

"Hey..." Uraraka a walked in because your front door was left wide open after the both of you came in."

"I know this isn't a good time..." You could say that again, "But Deku, you left this at the store, I just wanted to make sure you got it." She left the bag on the counter then left quickly to avoid further conflict.

"Get that thing out of here, I didn't want to see anything that belongs to her in here." You finally spoke up.

"What? No, Y/n that's not Uraraka's"

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