Fairy Tale AU

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Up Next (non-chronological):

You Hang Out with his Friends/Family

You get kidnapped * Requested? * (I think)

Fairy Tale AU Pt. 2

*Requests are still open (Via DM)*


7500+ words ;_;

Katsuki Bakugo

*Snow White/Beauty and the Beast*

"Another stupid ball!?" You cried angrily throwing your dresses around your room, haphazardly "I am not going!"

"Come on Y/n, this is the one time father allows you out, why not go?" Convinced B/1 watching as you ransacked your room.  

"Cause I'm not his pawn he can marry off to the highest bidder!" You cried, "I've been in this BORING castle for 16 years! He doesn't even let the male guards look at me! Why can't I make my own decisions for once!?"

"Because he's worried about you, and I am too." He admitted, "Listen Y/n father's just doing what's best for you and the kingdom, and after recent incidents, he has become a bit more protective over you."

A failed invasion occurred a couple weeks ago, orchestrated by a neighboring kingdom that was after you to hold you for ransom, but thanks to your brothers and guards none of them came close to getting you. 

"I can handle myself!" You growled. 

"So could mother...and you know what happened to her-" You slapped him with such force it could be heard from the entire castle. 

"I apologize, I forgot that the memory was still so fresh in your mind." It had almost been a decade since your mother's assassination from a rival kingdom.

Though you were young when it happened you were also one of the only witnesses to it, so it was safe to say that a memory like that isn't going to be so easily forgotten.  

"She's your mother too B/1." You glared in disgust. 

"I know...but...most things...especially when painful, need to be forgotten, so they can no longer torment our minds..." He explained. 

Though he came off as expressionless, he was just as emotional as you, he was just extremely good at hiding it. 

"Then you didn't love her like I did..." 


"Get out." 


"I'm not going to the ball and I'm not talking to you anymore either!" You pushed him out and slammed the door in his face in anger. 

"W-We're having dinner with father and his associate tonight before we head to the ball, will you come to that at least?" He asked desperately, trying to holdback his sadness. 

"Tsk, of course I am." You rolled your eyes. 

Though you and your father fought often, his absence from home  caused you to miss him. He was a pain in the ass, but he was your father and you loved him dearly. 

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