Villainess! 💃

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Your turn! 😈

DISCLAIMER: I'm not proud of some of these so this might be another scenario I might delete once I sober up🍷🥴

Izuku Midoriya

"I have a visual!" said Midoriya, "suspect is armed and on the move!

"Whats the description?" asked Todoroki over the earpiece.

"Suspect it a female, wearing a black skirt, grey hoodie, beautiful hair, Sparkling eyes... Cute chubby cheeks..."

"Focus nerd!" Growled Bakugo over the earphone.

"GAH! Right! Sorry!" he blushed and quickly shook his head and continued to chase you.

"Where are you now Midoriya?" asked Todoroki.

"We're near the beach on route to the docks! I think she's planning on fleeing the country!" explained Midoriya.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" Bakugo insulted causing the poor boy to cringe from the volume.

"We're on our way, remain in pursuit." ordered Endeavor.

"We'll be there soon." Added Todoroki.

"And don't fuck it up you loser!" yelled Bakugo.

"Right! Copy that!" he responded but as soon as he signed off he lost visual of you.

"Huh!? Oh no, where'd she go!?" he panicked after losing you in the beach. It was pretty crowded do it was understandable that he lost you but it was kind of embarrassing that he lost you that quickly.

If he wasn't careful enough he could mistake you to be the average beachgoer and not a world-famous terrorist.

"AH!" he cried when you suck up from behind and entrapped him into some high-tech restraints. "What, what is this!?"

"Ohh, not gonna lie you look pretty cute up close..." you smirked wheel he blushed with a shocked expression.


"If you weren't a filthy hero I would totally ride your handlebars..." you flirted again which caused steam to leave his face.

"Why are you trying to stop heroes!?" he tried to gain his composure and get serious but he was still partially entranced by your demeanor.

"Id love to sit and tell you my life vendetta but that would make me one of those monologing villains and I have more class than that..." you squatted down to meet his eye level, "besides...isn't the mystery better?"

"W-What do you mean?" he was still panicked but not as much once he saw the heroes coming up to help him from behind you.

"That's for you to figure out hero boy..." you kissed his cheek, "but cause I like you so much ill give you a little hint..." you then kissed his cheek, leaving behind a lipstick (or gloss) mark. You touched his cheek gently, admiring your work. Your touch was like a rush to him, it was addictive and he almost let out a whimper when you pulled away from him.

"you around...hero boy..." You then took out a small remote and pressed a button. Before Bakugo, Todoroki, or even Endeavor could apprehend you, a bomb was detonated in between you and them which left a large smokescreen to help you evade them and escape.

"Where'd she go?" asked Todoroki.

"The fuck kind of sorcery!?" growled Bakugo in annoyance.

"... she's...gone..." said Midoriya in sadness, as he missed you already.

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