Someone Hits/Hurts You

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I sanitized most of these so they're pretty chill but Todoroki's is still pretty messed up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Izuku Midoriya

It was a normal Saturday afternoon. You were bored sitting by the cash register running your grandmother's shop in her stead. It's something you often did on the weekends when you were free. It was chill most of the time and sometimes Deku would even stop by to hang out and help. but this time he had training with All Might so you were all alone to run the shop today.


The door sounded off indicating a customer walking in.

"Oh, welcome- uh..." They were 4 grown men wearing black suits and dark shades, "can I help you sirs?" You gave a nervous welcoming smile.

"Yeah..." one of them walked up to the counter, "I'm looking for the old braud..." He was very intimidating, almost a whole foot taller than you.

"I'm sorry but Gran-gran's not in right now, I can leave a message if you'd like." You sweat nervously as the man leaned over the counter, getting all in your face.

"Your her grandaughter ain't ya..." He smirked while cracking his knuckles.

"Um...yes..." You answered meekly.

Even though you were top of your class in combat training, there's still no way that you could take on 4 fully grown men all by yourself. they looked to be trained, and you sensed with your quirk that they all had guns and knives on them.

"Well, I got a message to send..." He and his men began chuckling.

"W-what is it?" your hand wavering over your phone under the counter.

"Tell that old bitch to pay on time!"


"Ah!" You cried when he slapped you across the face.

it was so hard that you fell to the ground beneath the counter.

"huh? wha-"


You couldn't see but you heard a bunch of crashing and shooting happening over the counter with the men.


"Get him!"


"kill the damn brat already-OOF!"

"Wha...." You meekly peeked over the counter but you were quickly ambushed with a hug.

"Are you ok y/n!?" Asked Izuku holding you tightly.

"Huh? Cinnabon? How did you-" You looked up and saw the four men on the floor completely knocked out.

"All Might let me go for lunch so I thought I would see you and see how you were doing but then I saw those guys and they looked super sketchy so I followed them and when I saw them hit you I couldn't just sit back and let them hurt you I couldn't forgive myself cause I love you and I-" You cut off his panicked rambling with a kiss.

"Thanks, Cinnabon..." You blushed, "You're my hero..."

"N-No problem..." He blushed and a trail of blood came from his nose. "A-Are you ok?" He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Yeah, it'll bruise a little but I'm good..." You giggled at how adorable he was as if he didn't just disarm and knock out 4 grown gang members.

"That's good" he sighed in relief, "wanna go out for lunch? My treat!"

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