When You Die

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*Requested by: Vroopi*

Warning: Angst...LOTS of angst.

Izuku Midoriya

"Izuku look out!!" You screamed as the gun went off.

The sounds of the bullet leaving the barrel and entering your heart rang in his mind over and over again.

Day...weeks ...months passed and the sounds only became louder. He couldn't take it, it was too much.

People told him it wasn't his fault and they knew he did the best he could, but he still blamed himself for what happened. If he wasn't so reckless he would have kept you safe. You wouldn't have to constantly worry about him and follow after him that day and maybe...just maybe...you'd be alive today, smiling in front of him with that beautiful face of yours that could bring him joy on even his darkest days.

Now your gone...and all that's left now is hate.

"He hasn't been home?" Asked All might over the phone.

"Not since last week and I'm scared!" Cried Inko, "at first I thought he was on campus at the dorms but his teachers said he hasn't been to class in weeks! and I can't get a hold of him on the phone and I'm really worried he might do something dangerous!" Panicked Izuku's mother.

"Alright Mrs. Midoriya, I'll see if I can find him..." He sighed in sympathy.

"Please...please help him All Might..." She sniffled, "Ever since Y/n died he's been acting really strange..." she tried covering her mouth to stop herself from crying again, "I just wanna help my baby boy but I don't know the first thing to do!" She began crying again.

"Mrs. Midoryia please calm down, it'll be alright, I understand your concern..." He spoke in a sincere tone, "I've got a search team out for him now, don't worry, I'll bring him home, I promise..."

"Thank you...thank you All Might..." She wiped her tears then hung up.

"Young Midoriya..." He sighed to himself, "What in the world are you planning?"

_ _ _

"I knew I'd find you here...Young Midoriya..." After thinking it over for a bit, All Might could only think of one place he would find the grieving boy.

"A-All Might?" He gasped in shock, "W-what are you doing here?"

"The real question is, why are you at Y/n's death site?" He asked concerningly.

"I..." he tried hiding the weapons behind his back.

"You're not the only one who's lost someone important to All for One Young Midoriya..." He explained, alluding to his late master.

"I...know All Might... " He looked down apologetically.

"Your hurt...I understand completely, you wanna make him pay for everything he caused, I do too, I was just like you..." He calmly walked beside the sleep-deprived boy, "After I lost my master I couldn't eat, I didn't sleep until I tracked down All for One and defeat him once and or all...but...when I did...I couldn't do anything...I was too weak, too tired to do anything...I neglected my help and if it weren't for Grand Torino that day I surely would have perished." He explained.

"So...I'm begging you young Midoriya..." He placed a hand on Midoriya's shoulder comfortingly, "Don't do this, don't sacrifice yourself for a battle you can't win on your own..."

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