Villains pt 3: Wanting Kids

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Don't ask me why I wrote this...I don't know either. 

I can't remember if this was requested, so whoever wanted this, here you go!

ALSO: Bakugou's part has a little contest at the end.  

Izuku Midoriya

*Serial Killer*

The plus sign mocked you as you stared at it. As if taunting your fearful expression and situation. You had been throwing up every morning for a couple of days now and it was starting to worry Deku, so he got you a pregnancy test but you refused to take it because you didn't want to even consider the idea that you might be pregnant. 

That is until today


He had gone ut to finish some 'work' so you ended up taking the test, you now wish you hadn't. 

"Oh God no.....please" You feared for the worst. It's not like you never wanted a child, you did, but not with this Deku your Midoriya died long ago. The man you laid in bed with now was a monster you could not escape. 

You were scared to know what would happen if you had a child with him. Would he love the child? Would he get jealous? 

He did love the attention you gave him and only him, would he get jealous?  

"*knock-knock* Darling?" He came home early. "What are you doing in there silly?" He giggled while trying to open the bathroom door. 

"I...I Ummm, just getting out of the shower!" You said while quickly throwing away the test, taking off your clothes, wrapping yourself in a towel, and wetting your hair in the sink, "I-I'll be out in just a second!"  

"You know how I feel about locked doors honey!" He said with a bit more aggression while kicking down the door. 

"I'll be out soo-AH!" You screamed as he finally kicked open the door, "Ah, there she is" He smiled warmly while ignoring your scream. 

"My gorgeous wife!" He grabbed your hand, rather aggressively, then hugged you. 

"I-I thought you weren't coming home until later tonight..." you shivered as he ran his hands through your hair. 

"I couldn't stay away from you so long, I missed your touch..." His psychotic smile returned after he pecked you on the lips, "I missed your voice..." He ran his thumb over your lips, "I missed your scent..." He then took a big whiff of your hair and exhaled as if it gave him a sort of orgasmic feeling. 

"You still smell like last night..." He waved his finger infront of you then poked your nose, "you weren't lying to be were you darling?"

"N-no!" You quickly stuttered, "I got my words mixed up, I meant I was just going into the shower, hahaha..." You laughed nervously. 

"Well since I'm here, why don't I help you out?" He smirked while taking off your towel but you quickly stopped him. 

"N-no, that's fine." 

"Aw, are you sure?"

"Y-yes...but...c-can I ask you something?"

"Of course sweetheart." He said as if offended that you even had to ask him permission. 

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