Dabi and Hitoshi pt. 2

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Dabi - He helps you out

Since he caught onto your whole 'former cop gone rogue' thing he still kept you as his 'hostage' in case you try anything that might jeopardize his involvement with the league of villains. You've been living with him for 3 weeks now, mainly because it's the best option for now.  

"You got the money?" he asked watching you menacingly while you sat unaffected by his intimidation tactics.

"Yes. do you have my information?" 

 You were usually out late at nights gathering information for both the league of villains and your own personal reasons, this was a personal investigation you just finished up with one of your leads, so far it wasn't going well.

"I said I'd keep my ears to the street, I didn't promise I'd find anything doll." He smirks lighting a cigarette and blowing the smoke in your face.  

"You're awfully rude, is that how you treat all your customers?" You coughed swatting the smoke away.

"Only to the ones that wast my time, now hand over the money doll."

"After, I get my information." You noticed his henchmen staring at you intently, they were getting suspicious of you and your lack of fear and respect for their boss. 

"What's a doll like you looking for a guy like Akaguro Chizome anyways?"

"That matters not to you, you're an informant, I'm paying you for a service and I hope you keep this strictly business based."

"Come now doll, I'm simply trying to ease some tension, you seem so uptight..." you could feel his foot caress your leg from under the table which greatly disgusted you. "Maybe you should relax..." His feet were going higher, "Your awfully cute doll, you'd ever thought about working for me?"

This wasn't going anywhere, his henchmen were catching on and you needed to find a way to have the upper hand or escape. 

"You know...you should really keep your business separate, it'll leave less...traces..." you then placed pictures down in front of him depicting images of him out with prostitutes and doing other illegal acts.

"What the-"

"You're not the only one who's kept their ears on the streets...or rather...eyes..." You could no longer hide your smug smirk.

"Who the hell do you think you are doll?" He tried keeping his calm and cool demeanor but you could hear him seething as he talked. 

"I'm not your doll." you crossed your legs, pulling away from his touch.

"Makoto...you really are a dim bulb." You called him by his real name startling his henchmen.

"She's a nark boss!" Shouted one of his lackeys pulling out a gun. 

"Oh I can assure you, I'm no cop..." Your smug smirk now turned into a deepening glare, "cops are moral, uphold justice...show mercy..."

"Take her ou-" He chocked as you held onto his throat closing his esophagus.

"Get your hands off of him unless you wanna keep your brains!" Threatened his henchmen with a  gun pointed towards your head which made you giggle a bit.

"80% of the world's population have quirks and there are 5 of you in here, which means at least 1 of you here has no quirk..." You smirked seeing him trembling with the gun, "and you know what they say...its the emptiest barrel that makes the loudest noise..." You taunted the man holding the gun. 

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